With the growing concerns of skin cancer as a result of UV-exposure, it is time to not only raise awareness, but promote safe alternatives.
Sun Silhouette Mobile Airbrush Tanning offers clients a completely UV-Free way to get a great glow while eliminating the risk of skin cancer. I'm proud to be a part of the solution, and I invite you to participate! I'm pleased to announce our "TAN FOR A CURE" Party/Fundraiser. How Does It Work?
Traditionally, the host of a "Tanning Party" tans free, and guests tan for $30.00 a person.

  The "TAN FOR A CURE" Party is special. All tans are complimentary with a donation amount of your choice to the Cancer Foundation selected by the host! There is a small service fee to host, and all other proceeds go to the Fight Against Cancer.
If you'd like to Host a "Tan for a Cure" Party, or you'd like more information, contact me! I'm always awaiting your call.

949 233 0363
