No business can afford downtime, especially when it is preventable. For this reason, a solid security strategy must be a major consideration when managing IT.  Boston and regional companies are well served by having proactive security and recovery measures firmly in place.   Vital IT resources are less vulnerable to attack and your company's ability to function under any circumstances is safeguarded.
Before there is a problem    Today, IT security entails much more virus protection.  Viruses, spyware and hackers are but some of the concerns in safeguarding vital IT resources and data.  Every aspect of your operation from e-mail to workstations to your network carries its own set of security issues.    As companies rely upon more forms of technology for their daily operation and to remain competitive, additional vulnerabilities naturally occur. The addition of remote, mobile, and wireless users common to virtually any business today, for example, carries a certain risk.  While increasing access to a company's network allows employees to be productive from any location, effective management of network access must keep pace. Security loopholes from insufficient network management will result otherwise.In some cases, protecting network security is a question of managing access, in others, the data ecryption and heightened security procedures of a virtual private network or VPN is the best choice.  The only way to determine current security vulnerabilities and future needs is through security assessment and penetration testing.  Without a fully-staffed, fully-trained internal IT department, how can this be done?  Boston IT consulting firms specializing in security issues are the key. With up-to-date knowledge of the latest risks and security-related technology, Boston IT consultants are specifically trained to assess your current needs and make recommendations based upon the latest security standards.The process of recovering Recovering from security breeches or disasters is just as important as preventing them in the first place. A significant part of any IT security plan, then, is backup/recovery.Whether the concern is data collected in e-commerce transactions, payroll or e-mail, every company must have a regular and reliable system of data backup in place. Without this safeguard, security breeches or system failures can have a disastrous effect.  In addition, a reliable recovery plan and mechanisms for carrying it out must also be in place to prevent any disruption in operations.Companies lacking a fully-staffed internal IT department are at a disadvantage here in developing and implementing backup and recovery measures, but again, Boston IT consulting firms can help.  They are fully qualified to evaluate, develop and implement a backup/recovery system to safeguard company operations under any circumstances.