Strike while the iron is hot.  Many golfers have taken advantage of the many outlets available to keep their swings and bodies in shape for the upcoming season.  The season will be here before we know it and then most of us will be trying to undo perhaps three or four months of a layoff into a successful early season transition.  Even Tiger during his "layoff"  managed his time accordingly.  Based upon his doctors and coaches' instructions he followed a detailed plan to eventually ready himself for the upcoming Accenture Match Play Championship of which he is the defending champion.  Now we all must be big dreamers in order to achieve our golfing goals too.  First a plan is essential, followed by a manageable time-line to achieve or exceed your goals.  Contact Jon Wilson now to initiate your plan based upon your personal goals.  Lets hit the ground this season with both feet moving in the right direction, the road map that you and I create during the planning session.  "I look forward to seeing you on the Leader Board"