Shane at a very young age started to create puzzle like layouts that eveolved over many years and notebooks later to a strong representation.  He starts by picking a character and juxtaposes more and more characters untill the page is full and the empty space is minimal. 
As this is a colorful style and changes the thoughts of many as they stroll by it. His work has intentions to make every see and remember the child in themselves.  2007 The staues around town where dinosaurs.  The one important one was a finished piece by Shane and Kelly Anderson of Apple Valley, Minnesota.  City County Credit Union the proud sponsor choose the unique style to fulfill the blank statue.  As many dinosaurs were positioned together to cover every inch of this new Dino.  The feedback was excellant and motivating to develop future growth potential.  That's when Shane and his wife Kelly decided to take the art to a whole new level by participating in Art shows and building the reputation needed to become sucessfull entrepuners.Checkout examples of the work at the website;  Follow new projects on facebook by searching Anderson Illustrations.
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