Substance and alcohol abuse is a disease that requires more than just medication to be driven out. The obstacles scattered along the path to recovery are plenty and devious and require a somewhat superhuman strategy and effort to overcome. This need can only be fulfilled by a drug and alcohol treatment center.
These treatment centers achieve total victory by laying siege to all the elements that make up the addiction in their safe and secured walls. The nitty gritties of specific programs vary from center to center but the most important part is that the guiding principles remain the same. These guiding principles are especially designed to achieve total recovery and are based on experience, research and common sense.  These guiding principles are the existence of locked wards, group support and individual counseling sessions. It is common practice that when you check into an addiction recovery center program, the first thing they do is to locate you in a locked ward. Regardless of how this may seem, it is intended to keep out the flow of more drugs rather than restrict the patients. Staff at the centers will even go as far as searching patients thoroughly on every admission.
One on one counseling is roped in after patients have gone through some detoxification. This is done by the center staff. Psychologists will also take time to evaluate the patients in an effort to establish the driving force behind their addiction and need for drugs. Lastly, there is the element of group support.  This encouragement and support between people who are going through the same circumstances and in most cases due to the same reasons helps in strengthening their resolve to kick the habit.