My favorite client Angela entered her second sprint triathlon on October 14, 2011 after starting triathlon training August 1st.  While she had a background with cycling and decent swimming, she was not a runner.  Zero.  Zip.  I encouraged her to enter the all-women Na Wahine Triathlon on September 11, 2011 as a taste test into the world of triathlon.  With a set goal in place, I designed a training program for her which consisted of six training days per week. 
At first she could barely run for 10 minutes straight.  I cautioned her to only increase her weekly mileage no more than 10% per week.  We started to swim open water at Kailua Beach for 500 meters on the weekend as well.  Since Angela already had a strong background in cycling, she didn't do much more training than her daily commute by bike.  By the time the Na Wahine race arrived just 41 days after starting her training proram, Angela could run 5K without stopping or having to walk.  She was not very fast, but she was not last.  Just as I predicted, she came in the middle of her age group.  Not bad for a first-timer.Without losing momentum, Angela continued training to enter the Ko Olina triathlon on October 14, 2011.  The race course was slightly different in format.  Racers have to swim through 4 lagoons, running in between each lagoon barefoot.  The swim was also 660m versus 500m.  Angela came in 6th place out of 9 women in her age group.  There were much more men in this race, and Angela had a mental disadvantage of being the last wave start for the swim.  She pulled her second race off without a glitch.Unfortunately, triathlon season ended for the year, but Angela is not stopping with her training.  She is gearing up for the Xterra train run 6K.  I will be entering the half marathon trail run.  I'm so proud of Angela's achievements in just 13 weeks of serious training, she not only finished the race, she set and met her goals.