The sun can be your worst enemy on a new tattoo. If you just got a tattoo STAY OUT OF THE DIRECT SUNLIGHT.  If the sun hits your tattoo you will definitely feel it right away.  It will feel like a bad sunburn instantly.  The heat from the sun will also react to the skin and can cause permanent damage to your tattoo, it can cause ink loss and scarring.  Do not apply sunscreen to a fresh tattoo, only use the recommended aftercare ointment that your tattoo artists tell you to use.  Some sunscreen have fragrance in them and can cause irritation to the tattoo area, which will result in ink loss.  You cannot possible stay out of the sun everyday, so once your tattoo heals you should always use a high proof spf sunscreen.  The sun will fade your tattoo overtime, so to keep your tattoos vibrant you should always protect them and yourself with sunscreen.  Another word of advice is do not go swimming for at least two weeks after you get a tattoo, most bodies of waters like lakes and rives have bacteria in them, and if you get any of that bacteria into a fresh tattoo you could possible get a bad infection.  Just remember a new tattoo is considered an open wound, and like any other wound you need to give it time to heal.  If you take care of your tattoos they will remain beautiful an vibrant.  Take care of yourself and your tattoos.  If you have any questions feel free to give any one of our artists at Razers Edge Tattoo Shop in Everett WA a call @ (425)420-6906, or stop by our tattoo shop, our address is 607 Everett Mall Way Everett WA 98208, we care about your health and well being and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.