quad bike insurance instant quote online

quad bike insurance instant quote online

BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:COVERAGEFINDER.NET


"Looking for cheapest car insurance, see discription thanks!?"

I m 16 I get a 3.8gpa and own a 1977 formula 400 pontiac firebird, and live in california... I want to get cheap insurance my family doesn t make allot of money. what is the price range for someone with my credentials."

How much could I expect to pay for motorcycle insurance?

I am going to take motorcycle lessons, and once I obtain my license, I plan on buying a new Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Either a 2009 or 2008 model (cost is 4000 or 3500 dollars, respectively). I am 19 years old, and have a car, which I am the primary driver of, which cost a little bit over $20k. Insurance is a little under $3000n annually. I have heard that this might reduce my motorcycle insurance costs (if I get it with the same company?), but I am not sure. I have never been any type of accident, or speeding or any involvement with the police. Only one parking ticket for my entire time of driving (since 2008 July). And I live in Massachusetts. Any type of idea of the cost would greatly help, before I commit myself to the lessons and purchases and the costs. Thanks!"

Is there a law in California for mandatory Health Insurance now?

Is there a law in California for mandatory Health Insurance now?


Hi im 17 and just passed my driving test but i can t find any where to get cheap car insurance. Please tell me if there is anywhere you know to get cheap car insurance, i have been to websites like go compare, and compare the market.com but they are to expensive insurance deals and i have been told the cheapest places are not on those website.Please help me as i want to drive :)"

How much cheapest car insurance?

the details is correct in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/

Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?

I m a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom s new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered on our insurance. My dad s car is not covered either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister s accidents. Couldn t I just buy a car on my own and not insure it like my dad and sister s cars? I really don t know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :)"

Business insurance?? plzz help?

what is the purpose of insurance for a business??? thankyou in advance

UK- Can you help me find cheaper car insurance?

I currently own classic mini and after 6 months of driving it i want something more reliable. I didn t earn any no claims bonus on the mini as it was on a classic car policy, which I paid 900 a year third party, fire and theft. I want to get a 1.3 toyota yaris but cheapest insurance I have found is 5500! I will be the main driver of it and no i will not front it (go as named when im actually main driver). Which companies are best for young people. I don t want to pay more than around 2000 a year on the insurance. I know there are many factors that affect insurance but I m looking for companies with good deals/lowest premiums and/or general tips to reducing the premiums. I live in the UK by the way."

Who are Insurance Suppliers?

I m doing a sort of quick reference website and I m lost on this topic: Who are considered Insurance Suppliers, apart from the Insurance Companies or Firms themselves..? Would appreciate so much any answers for this :)"

First time Car Owner Getting Insurance?

So I live in Massachusetts, going to school in Utah this summer. I m not under parents policy, and have to start my own policy. The thing is that I found a good deal but it s in Arizona. With a Mass driver s license, Can I buy a Utah insurance to cover the AZ registered car, before I got it registered in Utah? See I have 2 twists here, Mass resident wanna drive a AZ registered car in Utah. of course I will have to change the title/ registration under my name, but I m asking how should I cover insurance before the car gets completely legit in Utah. Hope you can understand my problem. PS: I know I don t have to convert to a Utah License, but I can if it s absolutely necessary."

Why is the co-pay for dental insurance more expensive than health insurance?

I compared the co pays on several reputable dental insurance companies and it is very expensive. Many things are not covered, even with the best dental insurance. Health insurance is usually a 10 dollar co pay for primary physicians and a 35-50 dollar co pay for specialty physicians. Is there any reason why dental insurance co pay is as expensive as it is?"

BMW 1991 318is Insurance/Gas/Parts?

I m looking into getting a car. This would officially be my first. I want it to be a car that is of good quality for at least the next 2 to 3 years. Meaning not too much to spend on gas, parts and insurance. Which are where my questions lie for a 1991 bmw 318is; Does a 1991 bmw 318is take up more gas than the average car of it s time? Also, I understand maintaining a BMW is expensive but is the 1991 bmw 318is pricey to insure? I ve heard after a certain year, BMW are a little less expensive to have. I m absolutely in love with this model and year, I d love for it to be my first actual car but I m skeptical. Please answer my questions and thank you for your time!"

Home Insurance?

If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?"

Can i have insurance in virginia and register my car in nyc?

im getting my car insurance in virginia and i was wondering since my car is in New York may i be able to register the car in new york city?

Best home Insurance in Texas?

I m a first time homer buyer and I m about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????

What License would you need to sell Dental Insurance in IL?

I have both my Health and Life Insurance Licenses. Can I sell dental insurance?

What are some jobs/companies that offer insurance for part time employees?

I have a part time morning job working as a teacher s aide 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. that I love and don t want to give up but I will never have more hours or insurance. I need to get an afternoon job with insurance because my health insurance jumps to $600.00 per month in July!!! The copay is $45.00 and the deductable is $2000.00 which means it never pays for anything and I cannot even afford to go to the doctor! Do you work at a place with ins. for part time employees? Can you select a PPO? How long do you have to work there to get on the insurance? I live in Southern California.

Car Insurance- Am i covered?

If i drive my uncles car, and i dont have insurance myself am i covered in case of an accident(he has full insurance). hes live in ca and we are in different households. thanks"

Commercial car insurance no claims?

I have 9 yrs no claims bonus on a commercial insurance policy in my name with my missus as name driver. I am selling the van and will want to buy a 4x4 and insure on a private policy, None of the insurance companies that I have had quotes from will honor the no claims bonus and all say that I have to start again from zero I also have been the name driver on the missus s car policy for 10 yrs with no claims either. Can anyone tell me if this is Right or yet again am I being unfairly screwed? Cheers all."

Blue cross insurance? How soon can you start using it?

Well, I want to get braces but don t have any insurance whatsoever (other than the mandatory Medicare). I live in NS by the way. I would like to get Blue Cross insurance but have no idea how to do so and when I would be able to start using my insurance towards my braces. Also, I have a minor benign tumor on my pituitary gland so will that affect my rating for insurance? What other insurance companies are there in Atlantic Canada? Thanks for your help :)"

"Car insurance cheaper in New Orleans, LA or Suffolk County, New York??"

My daughter recently moved to New Orleans, LA as an intern temporarily....does anyone know if automobile insurance, all things being equal, will be more expensive in New Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk County, New York ??? much thanx all"

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren t you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest."

Massachusetts Health insurance?

Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo"

Insurance in the state of CA?

I had two questions regarding insurance in the State of California. I was involved in an accident in which the other car was totaled, but mine ended up only with a bent control arm. Question 1: If my vehicle was hardly damaged and easily repaired by the spare control arm in the garage, do I still need to file a claim with my own insurance company? Question 2: If the police took insurance information for both parties at the scene and gave us each other s information, whose responsibility is it to provide the other party s insurance company with my own insurance information?"

Who has the best health insurance in California for college students?

I am a full time college student, and I am looking for health care insurance, but I m not for sure which to go for. I was looking up Blue Shield of California, Health net, and Kaiser, but I m new to this."

quad bike insurance instant quote online

quad bike insurance instant quote online

Car insurance quote help.?

So this is personal, but I m going to be emancipated soon or at least when I turn 18, and I m going to be living in my car or possibly renting at a friends house for around $100. I m not made of money, I only have a weekend part time job and another one possibly soon. I m a full time high school student with a GPA of 2.6 and I ll turn 18 in November. I know that my GPA isn t stellar but last semester I made a 4.0 and this semester I ll have at least a 3.4. I can t get a STUPID QUOTE because I m not 18 yet and I tried fibbing my age, but it was wise to me and shut me out anyway. I live in Marietta, GA (Cobb County), and I drive a 2000 Buick regal. If someone could run a quote for me I would be sooo greatful. Also, do you have to have an address to put down like a house to have car insurance? Thanks!"

Will McCains proposal to eliminate the tax deduction for health insurance ?

be the straw the breaks the backs of middle class Americans? Affordable health care is one of the foremost issues for middle class Americans. John McCain wants to eliminate the tax break given for the cost of insurance this will basically amount to a 25% increase in insurance costs for most of the middle class who are already struggling Yet he wants to continue the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. He truly is out of touch when it comes to the common man.

Car insurance if im under 18?

how would it be and do i need insurance if i dont have a car but using my parents car?

Do I have to be on my moms insurance?

I am 15 1/2 and i got my permit my california s drivers permit in march. i wont be applicable to get my drivers license until september. do i have to be on my moms insurance to drive now

Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?

if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance

"Hello , I have a car in my wifes name ...but the car insurance is in my name can i get it licensed?

Can i get it licensed in kentucky ...while it is in her name? ..she doesn t drive ..i have the insurance on the car in my name..etc .

What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?

What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?

What does it mean when your employer will contribute 100% of your insurance premium?

I am on my husbands insurance and we pay $110 a month for health insurance. I was reading through his contract and it states that The school will contribute 00% of full time employees single and defendant premium coverage. Why are we still paying for the insurance? What am I missing?

Need car insurance for a nissan navara? please help

hello, just wondering if anyone can give me some insurance companies for a nissan navara, im 22 have 3 years no claims yet my insurance says they cannot insure me on it? At the minute i drive a 1.9tdi vw passat and my insurance only costs 800, so why wont they insure me on 2005 nissan navara? Please help, thanks in advance x"

How much is a teen s car insurance per month?

I am planning to get a 2004 Lexus is300. I know because it is a luxury car, the insurance will be a little higher, but the car is 10 years old...I am recently licensed, a female, and I have a 4.0 gpa so I know I will have some discounts. I will be turning 18 in 6 months but will only be having my license for less than a year. So if any other teen, parent, or car insurance agent knows how much a teen s car insurance would be for a 10 year old luxury car (specifially Lexus), please help me out by letting me know!"

Website to talk to a car insurance agent?

Okay do you people know the site where you can like instant message a car insurance agent? I forgot wut the site was called. My parents need it.

How much would homeowners insurance cost on a 1.2 million dollar house?

It s in southern California. I m just asking for a rough estimate please.

What is the cost of insurance on this?

ok well there are a few motorcycles i am looking at right now. But i was wondering in michigan if you can drive a motorcycle on a salvage title, or a rebuilt title. And if you can would the insurance go up or would it stay the same?"

What is the cap for property liability insurance in california?

What is the cap for property liability insurance in california?

How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?

How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?

Can you get life insurance if you have terminal cancer?

Can you get life insurance if you have terminal cancer?

Do you have to insure a road legal quad?

One with number plates, i want one. I m 17 and don t have 5 grand to insure my own car, so what about a road legal quad? Are they loads to insure, or are they free to drive on a road? Thanks."

150cc scooter. Insurance? and License?

I am planning on purchasing a 150cc trike scooter(2 in front, 1 in back) and i was wondering if this scooter would be covered under my parents insurance seeing as i am currently under theirs? and if not how much would i need to pay a year(on average) to become insured for this scooter? I am pretty sure that a 150cc is classified as a motorcycle in Wisconsin, which is where i am currently residing. So i believe that i am required to take motorcycle safety classes and receive a motorcycle license. Correct me if i am wrong. If i were to go with a 50cc trike would i have to deal with any of the above insurance issues and licensing issues?"

How much would my insurance be?

If I am 17/18 years old. The car is used from about year 2000 or 2003, costs me around $4,000. This is in NY CITY. If it s a Nissan Altima. Thank you."

Help with car insurance........................

i am 16 but when i turn 17 i want to pass my driving tests. my worry is car insurance. i want to buy a little car like Peugeot 206 1.4 or something similar but i have checked insurance companies and their quotes are ridiculous so my dad said that if i give him the money to buy the car he can then insure it on his insurance and add me as an additional driver so i can sometimes drive it to my mates or whatever. i have heard of something called fronting and i was just wondering if then we would be doing that or would everything be legal. thanks in advance Matt

Can my finance company take my car if I don t get full coverage auto insurance?

I just bought a car and got only the legal minimum insurance which is liability. My finance company is threating to take my car if I don t get full coverage. I don t have full coverage because it s too expensive. They want me to get full coverage because it helps protect them. Can they take my car if I don t get full coverage?

Health insurance? For a 20 year old?

Hi I m wondering if anyone has any tips for getting cheap health insurance. How are people paying for this, I was quoted at $140 a month! I have Never had any serious problem No broken bones and I ve only had 3 prescriptions in my life! I only make $1,100 a month and with rent bills food and gas $140 extra is A LOT for me! Could you give me a good company? I really don t want to be fined in January, this is crazy! Also I was denied by Covered California because they said my household makes to much, I live on my moms property but is still pay rent/internet/electricity. How could I get around this for covered California? Please help me understand this better and if you have a link to a good cheap insurance company please let me know, Thank You"

How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?

How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?

Should i get life insurance or not?

i know the end is near for me and i think it would be good for me to get life insurance ive destroyed myself and my own life i think it would be appropriate for me to get life insurance so the funeral could at least be covered thanks 10 points

Automobile insurance coverage?

Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying insureds for damage to their won vehicles is a- collision b- comprehensive c- not available d- both a and b

quad bike insurance instant quote online

quad bike insurance instant quote online

How much would my car insurance cost?

i am a 17 year old girl with a car in insurance group one was wondering how much it is going to cost to insure???

I am a college student and i am looking for health and dental insurance.?

I just moved to texas and I rarely go to the doctor only for like for pap smears birth control and things of that nature. I work PRN an a hospital but PRN employees do not qualify for benefits.I am looking for an affordable insurance until i finish nursing school and get a full time job with benefits? Can anyone help me!

The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?

The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?

How much do you pay for Auto Insurance A Month?

what do you pay a month on your auto insurance. and do you think it s to much or do you save money?

Are jeep wranglers expensive to insure?

are jeep wranglers more expensive to insure than other cars? and how much is the average insurance rate of one?

What insurance company in bc offer out of province insurance?

Just asking for cheap insurance!

Car Insurance (Geico) ?

My parents don t have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?

How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?

How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?

How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?

Ok so I m gonna be 20 in a couple months and I m tired of driving my crappy integra. I ve been saving up and I m set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I m on my parents plan. I don t know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily"

What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens these days?

I m 18 and just got my first car. I would like to drive it but sadly have no insurance on it yet. I then looked up quotes and found out it is real expensive, $500 and more. Is there any way a teen like myself can get cheap auto insurance?"

Do additional safety features pay for themselves via cheaper insurance rates?

Specifically anti-lock brakes and side curtain airbags, on a small sedan. I m planning on buying a new or less used vehicle soon. The only things that matter are: gas efficiency, reliability, and a low total price to own."

Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?

Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?

How much would it be to insure a 2nd gen. Dodge Ram 2500 with a Cummins Turbo diesel for a 16 year old boy?

Im looking for better gas mileage, and it appears the Cummins has better mpgs than its 5.9l counterpart. (dont be a smart *** and say no trucks get good fuel economy) But i would wonder if a diesel would yield higher insurance costs for someone my age rather than a regular gas engine."

Can i drive other peoples vhicles with my car insurance?

hi i have insurance to drive my car and im coverd to drive other peoples cars but dose the other persons car need insurance covering that vhicle for me to still be coverd or will my insurance cover that??? thanks

What is average cost of insurance for 1st time bike owners in the UK?

I wanted to ask what is the average cost of insurance (per month or per year) for a person who ve just passed CBT and plans to own a 125cc motorbike? Thank you :)

What is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas?

what is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas? we are thinking of buying a house but all the morgage calculators have a space to add home owners insurance in to the monthly payment. I need to get a rough estimate of the price range of a house we could afford i know we cant afford much so it would not be for a house more than $100,000 for sureso not a big fancy just a basic 3 or 4 bedroom house. please give me an estimate i know it depends on the house locatoin and all that but I am completely clueless as to if it adds $10 or $100 or $300"

Why do red cars go hand in hand with a high auto insurance bill????

Red cars always get a high insurance rate. Not all red cars are sporty or fast so why is this?

Get an insurance on a second car?

Hi all, i am italian and i have a car insurance in my name since 10 years with no claims.I am living in Ireland now and i bought a car and when i asked for the insurance 3 different companies told me that if i want to use my no claim bonus on my irish car,i should cancel my italian insurance.But is this legal?I mean...i need to have a car insurance in Italy,i come back home often.Plus,in italy if you buy a second car you can use the bonus also in the second insurance.But,i am not very familiar with irish law,could you please help me? Thanks Valentina"

Do you need to report a delivery job on auto Insurance?

If I got a job where I need to use my car for work, do I need to report it to my auto insurance, and if so, will my rates go up?"

Got into a car wreck w/o insurance!?

The other day I accidently backed into this couple that have full coverage insurance. I believed everything was okay until an investigator called and left a message saying that my brother had cancelled my insurance. Therefore, I didn t have any insurance at the time of the accident. The person I hit did not get a ticket and I did not get a ticket. What is going to happen with this? Will I loose my lisence or will I have to pay for their car damages even though they have full coverage? If I call and get car insurance today, will it be effective for the accident?"

Getting braces...switching insurance?

Hi I am thinking about getting braces...but I may be switching insurance providers. Right now, I have this discount plan that gives discounts on medical, vision and dental services or costs called Ameriplan. But I am getting married in a year and my husband/fiance is in the military so I will be switching to his healthcare insurance, which I believe is Tricare. If I switch insurance companies will my new insurance(tricare) providers care for my braces even though it was preexisting? I do not mean that cost, I only mean the exams, the tightening that needs to be done with braces and etc? Thanks."

Why are my health insurance rates so high?

what causes health insurance rate increases?

Car Insurance?

Can a candaian get car insurance in ark. as long as your candaian license is current?

Can you switch car insurance with a pending accident case?

I had an accident about 4 years ago, it was my fault, but the case is still ongoing for that between the two insurance companies. I would like to switch from State Farm to Geico auto insurance to save some money. Would it be a problem to switch with a pending case?"

How can i get car insurance quotes without giving out my driver license number or vin? i want instant quotes?

i m looking into getting a new car and the cost of insurance on them will help determine which i get or if i keep my current car. i ve tried to get quotes online but they usually want my license number or want to call me and tell me the quotes. i just want to know approximately how much it will be for these cars. there all 4 doors and i would want full coverage 2004 nissan sentra spec-v se-4 2008 hyundai accent 2008 honda fit

quad bike insurance instant quote online

quad bike insurance instant quote online

What type of driving course reduces insurance?

What type of driving course from the driving school reduces insurance for new drivers?

Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?

I want to run a one vehicle WAV (wheel chair accessible vehicle for disabled people) car hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire the customer would hire the car and arrange for a person to drive it for them. On the odd occasion the hirer does not have anybody to drive the car for them they might want me to drive for them I have been told to do this I would need a private vehicle hire licence (mini cab drivers licence) also hire and reward insurance along with a mini cab office operators licence and the vehicle would need to be plated (tested) This is not a problem except for the hire and reward insurance which would be about 3000 per year and would not be cost effective for the amount of driving I would be doing (I would probably only be driving a customer 1 day per week). Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?

Buying auto insurance?

Can two brother s buy auto insurance regardless of if they live together or not?

Where do i get health insurance in texas. im 18?

18 year old male. Parents dropped me. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap good health insurance :)

How do you get proof of car insurance without a car ?

...so will no longer be using my car . the insurance company is requiring...

What is the cheapest best kind of individual health insurance?

What is the best kind of individual health insurance...that is the cheapest?

Car insurance commercial ideas?

i have to make a script for a commercial about car insurance and i need some ideas of what to do.

Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?

I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?

What is the best health insurance in california?

sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m i gonna be covered. i ve been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer s insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don t qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks"

Where do I buy car insurance online india?

I want to buy car insurance online.Where do i buy?

Autistic child and health insurance in california?

My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue.."

"Receiving life insurance prodeeds, and my chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Can the trustee take my money that I will be receiveing from my moms life insurance policy?

Which insurance company is the cheapest?

i live in ontario canada and i wanna know which company has the cheapest insurance. my insurance expires this month? please help........................

What is balloon insurance?

do i need balloon coverage

Will be any prob to get insurance?

Hi I stay in Kolkata. I hav red pulsar 135 . now I want to change my pulsar colour fuly like i want to do white paint job in my pulsar . my qes is if i changed my bike colour will i hav to face any prob to gettng my bike insurance ? thanks

Car & Insurance ??? Help me please?

Im 15 and im looking at cars so i know what im saving for. i know its abit early but im looking to star driving straight away. I am looking for a nice powerful car with nice boot space, and i know that the cost will be around 10k but im worried about the insurance ... what would be a good car to buy ?? thanks for all your answers"

Disability Insurance in Vermont?

Does anyone know if it s legal in the state of Vermont to employee people without disability insurance? I know it s illegal in New York. I m out of work due to pregnancy complications for 3 weeks or so and I can t collect disability for this or my maternity leave because they said they don t have disability insurance. I called a lawyer, but haven t heard back from them yet. Just curious if anyone knows the answer to this question. Thanks"

How do health insurance deductibles work?

I m looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I m reading the plan overview and it s explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I ve paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i d have to pay for it myself until I ve paid up to $5000? I m really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don t see what the point is if I m going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I d appreciate the help. Thanks"

Personal health insurance?

Any other health insurance companies in Michigan that are good? I checked out Blue Cross. They re pricey but offer dental coverage which might be worth it. Because I got hit with some dental bills these past few years. Any websites that allow you to compare companies?

How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?

Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car)."

New health insurance question?

How long after health insurance policy starts can you go to the doctor? My insurance starts on 11/01/08 just wondering how long should I wait to go to the doctor for my yearly checkup?

Will my insurance go up if i wrecked in a ice storm?

there was an extremely bad road conditions in my area on dec 15, and i hit a mailbox coming home, i was only going 15 MPH but the rear end of my car went out of control and hit a mailbox, will my insrance premium go up if i turn it into insurance? also will i get into any trouble since i hit a mailbox if i turn it in?"

Termination Car Insurance Policy?

Hi folks, I need to cancel my current car insurance policy. Do i have to write a termination letter to notice the insurance company, even if i already call them? Or do i just need to call and let them know that i wanna terminate? Does anyone have the sample letter about how to write a termination letter. Any help will be appreciate :)."

How much will it costs me to cancel my Car Insurance?

Hi guys, I pay monthly installments on my car insurance and renewed my policy on 2nd February. Anyhow to cut a long story short I ve bought a house with my fiancee and I work in Leeds now, and figured that it s cheaper to buy a monthly ticket for the train than it is to drive there, so want to cancel my insurance asap. I rang my insurance firm and they didn t give me an exact cost, only an admin fee of 29.95 to cancel, but mentioned that it is carried out on a pro-rata basis. What does this mean and how much roughly am I looking to pay? I pay 51.00 a month at the moment...I m confused.com! Thanks guys!! D"

California motorcycle license???????????

I want to get a motorcycle license but heres my question, I dont have a motorcycle and if I was to buy one how could I get it insured? if I dont have a MC license? cause I know the insurance guy will ask me for my MC license first ( just like when you insure a car ) and heres another question, if I had a MC how would I be able to show proof of insurance to the place where you take the MC highway test ( not sure what its called ). Just to let you know I dont know anyone who has a MC so I could borrow it to take the test."

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