Just imagine how wonderful this would be not only for ATV and ORV riders, but for businesses and the community in general. 
I will try my hardest to be at this meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. in the Annex Building in Downtown Mio. Okay - first I'm going to copy and paste the newspaper article I just found. I'm so excited about this and pray that it passes! What a bonus for business owners and ORV/ATVs!! here is the link to the newspaper article http://oscodaherald.com/detail/79736...ype=&town_id=9
Proposed ordinance would open all roads to ORVs
By Gary Ridley
Staff Writer | reporter@oscodaherald.com
OSCODA COUNTY — In a surprising turn of events, the Oscoda County Board of Commissioners, during its Tuesday, April 28 meeting, rescinded a previously approved ORV ordinance, and proposed an ordinance that would open all roads to ORV traffic. The proposal by the commissioners includes opening every road in the county, except state highways and forest service roads. The board will make a decision on the proposed ordinance at its Tuesday, May 12 board meeting. According to the proposal, county roads could be open to ORV traffic beginning Friday, May 15. Commissioners Michael Hunt and Joe Stone opposed the proposal, which was presented by commissioner Dennis Kauffman. Hunt said he heard someone might present a proposal to open all the roads prior to the meeting, but he said he was still caught off guard. Kauffman said he decided to propose the idea of opening all county roads following a meeting with other Northern Michigan community leaders in Grayling. During the meeting, Kauffman said he did not hear any complaints from other leaders whose communities had similar ordinances to the one he proposed. Kauffman also noted the huge economic impact opening county roads to ORVs could have on the area. “There’s potential for Northeast Michigan to benefit,” Kauffman said. Continue checking www.oscodaherald.com, or pick up a print edition of the Herald for more information.
Okay - meeting information Mio county Comissioners Meeting Tuesday, May 12 at 10 a.m. Annex Building behind Rite Aid 989-826-1130 Greenwood Township Meeting (note this township is the one who would not allow links on the previous proposal) Tuesday May 12 at 7 p.m. at Greenwood Township Hall Paul Eddie&Connie Kern 989-786-7872 Big Creek Township Meeting Tuesday, May 19 at 7 p.m. at Big Creek Township Hall (this is on M-72 between Mio and Luzerne, closer to Mio) Randy Booth 989-826-5992 The flyer I got today says "commissioners and townships both must make the change. The new Oscoda County ORV Ordinance is available at www.oscodacountymi.com. After the headline at the bottom of the page click on "Public Notice". Both the local ordinance and Public Act 240 are available. We all should support those county commissioners who deem ORV riding an economic benefit that needs to be cultivated.
Fingers crossed, prayers said! Karen