Here we looking at the blue light method of teeth as this is one of the fastest growing ways of teeth whitening to enhance your smile.Many of us wish to have whiter teeth and remove the staining caused by all the things we love including smoking, cola, curries, soya sauce, coffee ,tea and the list could go on and on but you get the idea!The challenge is we love these things and do not want to give them up to have whiter teeth well there might be a compromise as the blue light system will whiten the teeth in mega speed around 30 -60 minutes and because of the convenience and speed it can repeated as maintenance treatments fairly regularly to remove the staining that some of the above list puts in our teeth.Having a bright smile like we see in the glossy magazines or our favourite stars on TV have is a possibility but we need to look at teeth whitening as a long term thing not just a quick hit, get the teeth whitened as they will not stay white forever.
Sometimes our teeth accumulate very deep staining that other whitening systems will not tackle as effectively as the blue light method as this system uses the heat from the light to gently heat the gel and open the pores of the enamel to release the staining.The method of whitening can be done without a blur light but would take considerably longer and sometimes not a successful. This is sometimes true for anybody with deep staining caused by liquid staining from tea and coffee. This will result in black or dark brown vertical lines of stains normally on the bottom set of teeth.This staining will lift off but needs a strong effective system to penetrate in the enamel to be effective.Teeth whitening has become a very affordable beauty treatment nowadays and most larger towns and cities will have a specialist who will undertake blue light teeth whitening without the need for you to travel far.After the treatment you will need to be careful what you consume for up to 72 hours as the teeth are particularly porous for this time period so no tea or coffee and just try to have neutral foods and drinks which have colours to re-stain the teeth easily.Going forward the teeth will start to change colour because as we have previously said the teeth will always be porous so maybe a yearly visit to have a top up treatment will keep the teeth looking in prime condition.The system is ideal for anyone who has little time and wants instant results and this is what the method will produce. Having discoloured teeth and then one hour later whiter brighter teeth really does happen with this system and therefore if you are looking at having your teeth whitened then it ticks most of the boxes.Always keep regular visits to the dentist to keep the gums, teeth and soft tissues of the mouth as healthy and free from disease.