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How to Travel Safely

Travel safety is an important issue whether you're traveling abroad or taking a trip out of state. There are many problems that face travelers, and not all of them involve the presence of criminals. It doesn't take being paranoid to justify knowing some basic tips regarding travel safety.

General Tips

  1. Travel with disposable items or things of lower value which make less tempting targets for theft.

  2. Keep the phone numbers of your bank, credit and ATM cards, camera serial numbers, etc. separate from your wallet.

  3. Always keep an eye on your bags while they're in your possession.

  4. Avoid alleys and secluded places when walking. Stay out in the open among other people.

International Travel

  1. Make photocopies of your paper work before going on any cruises or international flights.

  2. Take travelers checks instead of cash. These can be replaced if they are lost or stolen.

  3. Be aware of International Travel Alerts when traveling abroad.

Road Trips

  1. Do routine maintenance on your vehicle before taking it on a road trip. Carry spare tires and a cell phone in case of emergencies. Always be sure you have enough gas to get from one gasoline station to another. One of the most dangerous but least conspicuous threats to a traveler is running out of gas or suffering a breakdown on a long, lonely road, especially in hot, freezing or rainy weather.

  2. Keep your radio on to receive weather alerts or road hazard warnings in areas you're driving through.

  3. Carry a road map with you but do not let it sit in plain sight. Prepare an itinerary before leaving.