The Call

Being a minister sometimes means serving others on short notice. Friday night I was asked to officiate the wedding of Tammy Carrell and Kenny Heit by my father in law Leonard Wood. He said the couple needed an ordained minister in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on a short notice. I was happy to help the couple out.

The Marriage

Today before the wedding I shared my heart with Tammy and Kenny about marriage. I told them marriage is not simply a contract, but if it were a contract they would only be responsible for their part of the contract. Let's say that's 50%. If you enter marriage thinking you only have to put in 50% what if your spouse lacks their 50% of the contract on a given day? You then have less then 100% and thus your marriage might fail. Not only is marriage much more than a contract it also does not work with 50% 50%. I believe both spouses should always give 100% and 100% so that if one is not at their best there is still 100% left to fight through the rough time. Inspired by the recent messages at my church,, I told them family is worth fighting for. Remember when things get hard to always fight for your marriage.

It was an honor to share in their special day as they entered the Holy covenant of marriage with God.