No Oops, No Ut Ohs

By Marion L. Jones

In a world of confusion and despair

We tend to make bad choices and end up who knows where

The devil is cunning and slick and wants to keep you duped

God is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and don't makes mistakes

No Oops

Your friends will leave you; your family will turn their backs

Some will even tell say that you are worthless and what you lack

The road will get rough and you won't know which way to go

Trust and believe in Jesus, He don't do…

No Ut Ohs

What He has is a plan for you and it's something great

A plan that was formed on a specific date

You are put here for a reason, but only for a season

To get into pearly gates, you are not a mistake

Praise Him and give thanks always,

for what you really go through

He's the only that knows

You'll never hear Him say…

"No Oops, No Ut Ohs

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