We've produced an 80 minute independent film called LITHIUM SPRINGS that is getting excellent reviews all over the United States. See our website at http://www.lithiumsprings.com. Its an adventure comedy about a man and his miniature dachshund who stumble across the FOuntain of Youth and a treasure left in the swamp by Ponce de Leon. t's funny and beautiful to look at. We had fun making it. We had only a three man crew. We are getting it out on the internet now. We shot it on mini-DV and it has no stars you've heard of but you will soon hear of Fred the dachshund. Fred says he thinks his work in Lithium Springs is the "greatest performance by a dachshund in the history of AMerican Cinema." It is a little off the wall and clean - good for kids and parents and grandparents. We've been in the movie business since 1972 and made another feature in 35MM and DOlby stereo in 1982 called the Enchanted. WE think we've got the best FLorida ambience ever captured on film, and so do some other people. ANyway, it's fun , we like it and we are enjoying the day.