If you have not reached out and received a mortgage consultation then you are missing out! Rates have never been lower, and it is highly recommended that all home owners reach out now to maximize the financing options for their single most important investment. 

Todays real estate market is highly volatile. Property values are falling, and foreclosures are at an all time high! It appears that all the news regarding such is negative and gloomy. Yet the silver lining for those that are either in a position to buy, or already own a home and are looking to maximize the options available to them, is that mortgage rates are at an all time low! If financing is even a glimmer of thought, then you need to get of the fence and act today. So many times I come across folks who have a home loan and are still at rates that are egregiously high compared to the going rate, and puts them in a financial situation that is not beneficial to their current budget.We cannot forget that with the unemployment rates still uncomfortably high, wouldn't it be in your best interest to make sure that your dollar's are being maximized to the best of their potential?