Hi and welcome to the BLOG !

With IKE behind us and things looking better in the Friendswood Clear Lake area, I am happy to say we were only closed a few days due to power and tree damage. 

 During the first few days of us getting power back on, I felt really bad for so many of our Friendswood neighbors that were still without power. I had an idea..My dear hubby and I gathered the kids and brewed  our 40 cup coffee machine up and took off in the Studio van for some FREE COFFEE for the neighbors.  The respone was soo precious! People came running to get the hot brewed coffee out of their houses  and they told their neighbors and we nearly ran out the 2nd day!

We kept up the free coffee give away for 8 days until they got their power back on.We met some great Friendswood folks and electricity power teams from all over the country. We gave coffee to Friendswood Police ,linemen, grandparents,and young people !

I'll never forget the images of people runing out of their houses..calling STOP..we would love some coffee !!!