One of the new products introduced this season with Jordan Essentials is the Skin Relief in a tube which is a healthy combination of botanical ingredients for minor burns and skin irritations or for those who need something more powerful for eczema or psoriasis. It contains rich shea butter for deep moisturizing and soothing aloe vera, seaweed, green tea, Vitamin E, and chamomile. My own testimony: having gone through radiation therapy in August my husband experienced burns from the upper part of the chest and on his back. That is part of the side effects with radiation, and I had a sheet with a few items listed available from the drugstore to apply. When the skin relief came out a few weeks ago I took it with me to his radiation appointment and showed the nurse. It got the stamp of approval so when we got home I immediately applied it to the areas to try and stop the burning before it started. No burning and no itching thank goodness! He wasn’t scratching and rubbing around his upper chest.

If you have a slight burn from cooking or a sunburn, this product is perfect! A few nights ago I had itching in a tiny spot around my ankle and used this instead of the regular shea butter we sell and I got immediate relief. Again the difference between this and products in the drugstore? No parabens, DEA, isopropyl alcohol, mineral oil, aluminum or petroleum. Find us at