Life Insurance, Very neccessary to have.! Your not planning to die, but if for some unfortunate reason  something happens your prepared. That's the reality one has to live with. Policies from $75,000 to $ 150,000.00 are easy to get as long as your in good health, don't smoke. We have No Exams, if you qualify. Want more coverage, we have more. Coverage of $150,000 - $1,000,000.00 with exams, regular medical questionaire. Call Today easy Application as 1 2 3 . We want to help you protect your family. It's funny how we protect our homes with home insurance, flood Insurance, Windstorm insurance,Autos, liabilty to protect other peoples car, full coverage to cover our car, but one never thinks of covering your familys future life. It might not be enough but beleive me when I tell you it does come in handy at the hour of need. Just think funeral expenses,college for your kids, mortgage payment, car payments, Any an all Debt including credit cards, utilities, etc...Like I said it might not be enough but at least it's a start to plan the future and see what they need to do to survive. Please call me to get your policy Today. The clock is ticking and no one will take care of your family as well as you do. Its a blessing to have someone to think of them even after your gone. God Bless You! I hope you call Me Today!  My name is Patricia Jimenez, my Diect Line is # 713-875-5577.
Thank you for your consideration. Call Me!