What is Logistics?

There are many definitions for logistics out there, the simplest is The movement of products and services from point A to Point B using whatever resources available.

The term logistics is usually confused with Supply Chain. Logistics is part of Supply Chain.

Many shipping Companies,in recent years, started promoting their business as a logistics provider or a logistics company. The Majority are just freight forwarders or just transportation companies.

Logistics is much more complex and requires specialized knowledge

Logistics Companies possess more resources and skilled people in order to help their customers achieve their goal.

What about Logistics Consulting Companies.

Below is a list of the services provides by logistics consulting companies

Distribution Center Design

Material handling and Automation Systems

Supply Chain technology

Transportation Management

Purchasing and inventory optimization

Product souring strategy

3PL outsourcing

Logistics Network strategy.

Improve your supply chain for maximum effectiveness. International 4PL has broad capabilities, including:

Lean Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Best Practices

Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

Logistics Outsourcing

Miami has emerged recently as a hub for distribution and International Shipping. One of the best logistics companies in Miami is International 3PL with offices around the globe. They understand the concept of logistics and its application