First, let's define these two terms: Asset Manager: The Focus is on maximizing return and property value for the investor(s) Property Manager: The Focus is on day-to-day management activities for a property The Management Team at Integrity PM continually focus on How to maximize the Return on Investment for All Our Owners and How to Increase the Value for each of the properties we manage! Our Team continually has the following outcomes in mind for each Investor/Owner that we manage properties for. 1) How to Increase Rental Income and Reduce Expenses! 2) How To Improve Property Value! 3) Making sure the Tenant pays their Rent on time! 4) In Short, Maximizing Returns and Raising Property Value Increasing Your Equity! Lastly As Your Asset Manager we will continually ask Ourselves the following 10 questions about Your Properties on a month to month bases! What can we do for the tenant to give them the best rental experience of their lives? What can we do to become more of a tenant focused PM company? How can we increase rents? Are all of our rents at market levels? Can we charge higher rent if we add another bedroom, bathroom or remodel more? Can we reduce the Investors insurance expense by changing companies? How can we reduce every single line item expense - even by a small percentage? How can we increase the value of the property? What improvements would maximize value? How can we assist the Investor in understanding how to effectively interpret their Propertyware online accounting portal?