Take time to smell the roses!  That’s always good advice.  But anyone in full command of his or her home will also take time to inspect all of the trees and shrubbery surrounding the home while visiting the fragrant flowerbeds…

The secret of HouseMastery is to head off major repair or replacement projects with periodic preventive maintenance inspection tours, with each tour focusing on an easily managed subject.  This way you can enjoy a sense of accomplishment, as well as the smell of roses, by recognizing some of the potential problems that may develop on the grounds adjoining your home.

Take a pair of pruning shears along.  It’s a snap to cut back any plant growth that could serve as a bridge for insects to reach your home, or thicken into abrasive paint scrapers.  You might want to drag out the ladder if you spot tree branches that could abrade roof shingles, scrape screens, or threaten other parts of your home.   In judging safe distances for tree branches keep in mind that while branches may provide temperature-moderating shade in hot weather, they may become bent and broken (or even the entire tree may be uprooted) during storms and hurricanes.  In addition, trees can attract lightning during electrical storms, and if your home is within the same electro magnetic field any potential lightning strike would be dangerous to your home and your family.

Look down on your tour, as well as up.  It’s best to have a slight slope on the ground adjacent to the foundation of yourhome to drain surface water away from the walls.  Check for low spots in your lawn that may need filling with soil.  But don’t build mulch up to close to the siding.  This can present an opportunity for insects to enter the foundation of your home.

Be sure to keep an eye out for cracks in the foundation, brickwork or even the driveway.  If you find any cracks, chisel them wider and fill them while they’re still a minor inconvenience.

If you find nothing that needs your attention on this particular exterior tour of your home, the flowers will smell even sweeter and you’ll be entitled to the wonderful feeling of accomplishment and “HouseMastery!”