What is Fildena xxx?

100mg Sildenafil Citrate formulated trusted Fortune Health Care Ltd composes Fildena XXX medicine. Manufacturer. The essential and useful dose is built in the new chewable form. The Fildena purple pill works efficiently by treating Erectile Dysfunction from roots. Chewable way of this medicine is easy to use, and effectiveness is quicker than any Fildena pills. Along with chemical action mechanism from medication, a chewable form of medicine improves sexual senses and leads to an erection that is strong and long-lasting. Proper intake of physicians allows men to attain and maintain the erection for a longer time.

Two devices manage the removal of penile: 1st is the reflex erection when the penile shaft is touched and second is a psychogenic erection that happens with the help of erotic motives. Both of the device of construction an entire neural system is essential for achieving and maintaining a penile erection as a gathering of making love.

Feature of Fildena XXX

  •  Fildena XXX chewable description is available in different and unusual fruity flavors including banana, orange, pineapple, and strawberry.
  •  Chews are to be consumed in moderation and alone without any combination of food or other ED treating Fildena 150 pills.
  •  Munch away a tablet 30 minutes before intercourse in the presence of sexual arousal to gain the best safe and effective results.
  •  Erectile Dysfunction treating medicine is not recommended safe for women facing any of the health difficulties like vaginal in compliance or loss of libido. It is only suggested for using by impotent men with copied penile failures
  • Side effects with this medicine occur in rare cases of overdose or due to allergic reactions with ingredient in a prescription.

How Fildena xxx 100 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate) Works:

Fildena xxx is a phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) is an active component in Fildena Super Active tablet which works in erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis by decreasing the flesh in penile blood veins in men. It also works in pneumonic hypertension by bending the blood vessels of the lungs to allow blood to flow more easily.

What Should You Avoid While Taking Fildena XXX 100 Mg?

·        You should avoid taking alcohol

·        Avoid Smoking

·        You should withdraw Driving or Machine Operating Jobs.

·        You must avoid using any medicine without prescription or n knowledge of your doctor.

When Not Use Fildena XXX 100 Mg:

You should avoid Fildena XXX 100 Mg if you:

·        Have ever published any Disease/Hypersensitivity to it

·        Have any heart-related problem or blood pressure problems

·        Are a female or children

·        Always consult your doctor for adequate treatment.

Before You Use Fildena XXX 100 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate) Tablet:

·        You are not allergic to Fildena xxx

·        You do not take alcohol.

·        Your doctor must be aware of your all Pre-existing diseases, Fildena Pills, surgeries, Food Habits, Supplements, vitamins, etc.

How to Take the Fildena XXX:

You may take Fildena XXX 100 Mg as directed by your doctor. Eat the whole tablet with water without breaking or pounding or crushing it. It is better to take it 30 minutes before the physical relationship as it takes a few minutes to start its action.

For How Long Should You Continue Using Fildena XXX 100 Mg ?

Patients are always advised to take Fildena XXX 100 Mg as directed by their doctors.

You are not advised to take this medicine in a large amount or for a longer time than recommended.


Immediately call your doctor or reach nearby medical emergency center if you are assuming the overdose symptoms like Painful erection for a long time, flushing, sleeplessness, etc.

Do not share your medicine with anyone nearby you or in your relationship, even if they have similar symptoms. It may cause adverse effects. Always guide them to visit their doctor for their symptomatic relief.

Missed Dose:

A missed dose of Fildena XXX 100 Mg should be taken as soon as you recognize. Leap the application if it is the chance for the next treatment but do not increase the demand for next time. Many doses at the same time can cause fatal effects.

What Are The Side Effects Of The Fildena XXX 100 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

·        Sleeplessness

·        Dizziness

·        Headache

·        Prolonged and Painful Erection

·        Diarrhea

·        Indigestion

·        Burning, Numbness, Tingling in the Arms and Feet

·        Flushing

·        Bloody and Cloudy Urine

·        Changes in Vision

·        Sensitivity to Light

·        Painful Urination

What Are The Common Drug Interactions?

Fildena XXX 100 Mg may interact with other medications or additions you are using and can produce some disadvantageous effects or cause your drug not to work correctly. Hence, you must inform your doctor if you are on any Vitamins, other OTC Drugs or Herbal Supplements. It interacts with the following drugs:

·        Amlodipine

·        Carbamazepine

·        Clarithromycin

·        Dexamethasone

·        Ketoconazole

·        Atazanavir

·        Nitroglycerin

·        It interacts with diseased conditions like:

·        Cardiovascular disease

·        Kidney disease

·        Priapism

·        The disease of the Retina

Warning and Precaution:

Fildena XXX 100 Mg should be used very carefully:

  •  With antihypertensive In the patients who have any Physical Damage of the Penis or had Painful Erection which is lasting more than 4 hours.
  •   In the case of Surgery including Dental Procedures or others.
  •  It is not approved for women and Pediatric Population.
  •    Consult with your physician about all your conditions or pills to get the best possible treatment and dosage adjustment in any of the diseased states or difficulties.

Things to Remember:

·        Put out of reach and sight of the children.

·        Call your physician if you have any difficulty related to the dose, time, and strength of the medication.

·        Read all the information on the labels or inserts and do not use expired product or medicines.

Where I can buy Fildena 100 online?

After consultation with the ED doctor, you can get Fildena xxx of prescribed dosage delivered to your doors after placing an order from an online pharmacy store. Our Genmedicare pharmacy shop provides high quality and affordable ED medications worldwide. Our products are sourced from the leading and most reliable pharmaceutical companies in India.

Visit our websitehttps://www.genmedicare.com which is the most reliable and also trustworthy source for the best quality and cost-effective OTC drugs and health care products.


How long does Sildenafil stay in your system?

On common, the powerful influences of Viagra lasts for two to three hours. But it depends on several factors. Therefore it may differ for men to men.

How high does it take for Sildenafil to kick in?

Frequently, Fildena xxx starts working within 30 to 60 minutes after eating, but it may up to two to three hours.

What time does a man stop getting hard?

As various determinants can affect erections, men of any age can suffer from this problem. Usually, men above the age of 50 stop getting hard.

What are the different available strengths of Fildena?

Fildena is available in different following Strength:

·        Fildena XXX

·        Fildena

·        Fildena 100

·        Fildena 150

·        Fildena 120

·        Fildena 25

·        Fildena 50

·        Siledenafil

·        Fildena ct 100

·        Fildena Double

·        Fildena professional

·        Fildena Super Active

·       *Pfizer originally discovered the medication in 1989 or Viagra® is a brand name for the drug which is being developed by Pfizer for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.