Svaroopa® style Yoga Abdominal Workshop with Ryoko
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1:00pm-2:45pm, $20, @ the Glowing Body Yoga Studio

~ This is followed by donation based
"Kirtan&Meditation;" (3-4pm) ~

This workshop is designed to introduce the process of finding your abdominal muscles. You will learn the key concept "your abdominal muscles automatically work when your spine releases" as you learn your familiar yoga poses by using the correct props and alignment. It is very easy to overwork your spinal muscles by doing typical intensive abdominal workouts.

 Releasing the tensions in the front of your spine and pelvic area using Svaroopa® Yoga poses creates internal space for the internal organs to rest in.

You will also learn how to practice Uddhiyana Bandha, which helps your digestive systems, increases your energy level, and improves your ability to stabilize your own body temperature.

 Abdominal Theme works on your third Chakra, fire element, which improves clarity in your mind, your ability to focus, and your ability to see and speak your truth.

 *Upon completion of this workshop, you will better appreciate the importance of support from blankets and blocks and will be able to apply the practice of Svaroopa® Yoga to deepen your daily yoga and meditation.

*No previous experience with yoga is required.

*Not appropriate for pregnant women.

*If you have High Blood Pressure, please let Ryoko know in advance.

*Pre-registration required due to limited space&props:

 Visit for more information about Svaroopa® Yoga

Ryoko Suzuki, MS, ATC, CSCS, LMT, RYT"The Glowing Body " ~ yoga studio&apparel
"When you sit still and begin to look within, you find your inner bliss. When you follow your inner bliss, you follow your path to joy." ~ Ryoko