The historic Navy Yard is literally a five minute walk from Harborview at the Navy Yard.


Aside from housing the dry docks, the Navy Yard is home to the Constitution Museum, USS Cassin Young and the USS Constitution. The museum's summer hours are 9-6 and winter hours are 10-5 (Novemember-March). If you want to tour Ole Ironsides, you can take a guided tour every half hour between 10:30-4:30 (closed on Mondays in the summer. Winter hours: closed Monday-Wednesday, tours every half hour 10:30-3:30), or you can tour the ship on your own. You cannot go below deck if you tour the boat without a group. I believe the Cassin Young follows the same hours.


The history here is amazing. Old Ironsides first went into them in 1833. How cool is that?? And they still use the docks to repair the ship too. The fact that the ship was commissioned in 1797 and is still commissioned is just... wicked. [For those who don't remember, Old Ironsides is best known for its role in the War of 1812] Also in this area is the point where British reinforcements landed during the Battle of Bunker Hill.


The red brick line is the Freedom Trail, which goes to all the historic Revolutionary sites in Boston (and it really looks like that the whole way through). This particular direction is leading into Boston, toward the Commonwealth and Fanuiel Hall. If you went the opposite direction, it'd lead you right up to Bunker Hill... probably a 5-7 minute walk from this point. All along the trail are these signposts so you know which sites are in the area. It's so cool.

Check out the Constituion Museum for more info on the Navy Yard and the Freedom Trail Foundation for more historic sites!