Diane S. Gonzales and Ronald A. Gonzales , are clever problem solvers and acutely aware of the importance of public safety. Inspired by their involvement in law enforcement and duty to serve and protect, Ron and Diane have recognized a common problem and set upon designing a simple, yet brilliant solution.  One major source of both criminal profiling and disguise for criminal behavior is the “hoodie”, or hooded jacket or sweatshirt.  Many individuals wearing such apparel are mistaken for participating in criminal behavior because their identity cannot easily be seen, while many individuals who are participating in criminal behavior do wear such garments for the express purpose of concealing their identity.  With the high crime rates seen around the world, We decided that taking a public stand against wearing such garments into public and private establishments could go a long way toward helping control crime and preventing the many cases of wrongful accusations based upon appearance of intent to do wrong.

We passionately feel a sense of pride about this concept and believe that it deserves immediate attention.  Because of the great market that exists for such a concept, we wholeheartedly believe in the positive impact its development and production will have on individuals and the market(s) to which it will be promoted.

Thank you