Camera ready artwork is high quality black and white artwork that is ready to be processed and used for printing. If the design is multi-colored, a separate negative image is required for each color. As an alternative, we can use a black on white image that is a complete outline of the design.

Good quality artwork is not:

Any type of photocopy

Business cards, existing t-shirts, or other printed items.

Dirty artwork - smudges, pencil lines, smudges, marks, etc.

We need images/designs in Vector format (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator) versus a "Bitmap" format (internet images, .gif, .jpg, .bmp, jpeg, etc). If you are using a "scanned image" it is more than likely a bitmap.

Images from the Internet are not only bitmaps but very low resolution. These look great on your computer monitor but not when printed.

The best file formats to use for screen printing are: .cdr (CorelDraw), .eps (encapsulated postscript) or .ai (Adobe Illustrator) Other files can be used, however, to convert them is time consuming and can be costly.

If you aren't sure if we can work with what you have, send us an email. 

We're dedicated to providing the best customer service in the industry, and your total satisfaction is our ultimate goal.  We look forward to serving you!