While I was walking by the beach yesterday I noticed that the ocean was very dark and choppy, yet there was an area just a bit further out that was filled with light.  Just beyond that it was dark again but in the distance I could see another area filled with light.I mention all of this because it reminded me of the similarities that exist in our lives.  We go through difficult times and work very hard to get to where we want to be in life and to have the relationships we have always longed for.  Once we have them we are happy and at times it can feel like life is just flowing well.  But the unfortunate part is that this doesn't always last and inevitably we are faced with a bump, a dark period or just plain difficult time in our life where we may feel like all of the doors are closing.  This is analogous to the dark area in the water.  It is deep, heavy and cold.  While we are in it we cannot see that the light is just beyond us.  Often I have found that these dark and difficult times build in us a great strength and provide us with deep wisdom- that is if we continue swimming.In Finding Nemo, Dory (blue) is a fish with am...                            Image via WikipediaAs Dory in the movie "Finding Nemo" so wisely said: "Just keep swimming!"  If you manage to pull yourself through you will find light again- I truly believe this.  Standing above or outside of things it is easy to see this- but when you are in the middle of it it's hard to see any way out.  But that is what your friends and family are there for and if you don't have a good support system then it is time to create one.  Sometimes a therapist can be that for you while you start to develop new relationships with healthy people that will truly be your friends.
I strongly believe that life throws us challenges so that we can grow and really appreciate the relationships and things that we have. If things are always running smoothly we may stop trying as hard or appreciating the things we have- we may even become a little arrogant- and this is not a good thing at all.  Life keeps us on our toes- but the challenge is to just keep swimming!I wish you a life filled with happiness and abundance- may your dark waters make you stronger and always remember to keep swimming! Elizabeth Cappelletti, MA, LMFTElizabeth@MyOCTherapist.comwww.MyOCTherapist.com