Qur’an Courses

learn the science of reciting the Quran, the way the Prophet ﷺ recited it.

Study individually with your own personal Shaykh.

One-to-one lessons using our interactive and live Virtual Online Classroom system – so you can learn in the comfort of your own home.

Memorize the whole Quran (or parts of it) at your own pace or just work on getting your recitation up to scratch.

Correct common mistakes in Quran recitation.

This programme is suitable for all levels; whether you’re a beginner, learning to recite, or if you have already memorised large portions of the Quran.

Please note that the rules of tajwid and the science of recitation can only be taught to those who have a basic understanding of Arabic.

Beginners will be taught by repetition.

Many of our instructors have ijazahs.