I recently placed an order from my mother-in-law's Gold Canyon party, long distance, sight unseen - just to help her out.
One of the items was the Rosemary Mint All Natural Cleaner (which was a stretch for me, because I HATE TO CLEAN!) Something strange happened as soon as I opened the package: I wanted to clean something. I don't think that I've ever experienced this phenomenon in my entire life!I quickly cleared the counter so that I could clean it. It smelled so good! The kids came in - "can we try too?" they wanted to know? I'm no dummy, I told them no! (It's reverse psychology!) "Maybe later" I said, enjoying the lingering scent of the clean counter.The next day, I let them use it on the kitchen table, we all breathed deep of the lovely smell! Pretty soon, I noticed that I was cleaning the kitchen voluntarily. Even my hubby noticed and did dinner dishes before bed, wanting to leave it as nice or better than he found it!Also in my order was a Fresh Orange Bella Scented candle. Now, I'm a big fan of candles. I still had a small stash of my previous favorite candles that I'd rationed, so I ordered the orange scent because that's my husband's favorite.I lit it the first day and was amazed that I could smell it in the family room, when it was burning 3 rooms away in the kitchen! It also burns very clean, no soot around the edge, the wax liquefies completely and the wicks have remained upright, so I've got a good feeling there won't be any waste.Let me tell you - I am convinced that these candles are way better and the scents are stronger than any other brand! I'm so convinced that I signed up to be an independent distributor!I can't wait to share these products with my friends - anything that gets ME to CLEAN, has to fall in miracle territory!  I will still be doing artwork too, but now I'll also be coming to your home or office to let you smell the wonderful scents!  Please call me at 469-583-4604 or e-mail noel@noelgiger.com.  You can visit my Gold Canyon site at