From proposing at sunset to the best dinner, from the perfect wine to the perfect dress, everything is set for your big proposal day, but what about the ring? Have you bought it exactly to match your grand proposal, if no then check out our engagement rings collections, and you would be sure to find what you want. And even if you have got one, there is no harm in browsing the collection. We at Glamira hope you will find something better and exactly in your budget, as we boast of having something for everyone.

The world is changing, and so are the choices in the jewelry collection. But as they say, the world is round, so fashion goes around and comes around. The vintage green color symbolizes grandeur and elegance. Emerald stone has many health benefits and is also considered a lucky stone for lovers. So, this gives you a reason to browse through our emerald engagement rings. Similarly, the various sapphire stones have many benefits, and thus, we are happy to present our sapphire engagement rings collection too. These colored stones are well fitted in the metals and suitably arranged with diamonds and stones to give the entire ring a beautiful look.

Emerald stones are said to bring faithfulness in a relationship, and sapphire stones represent wisdom and sincerity. Whatever the qualities, both these stones define royalty to the best extent. These rings outshine everything around and are sure to woo anyone. Our ring designers have made sure to highlight these stones in our rings in such a way that they make eyes turn around. The designs are a combination of stones, or just the beautiful stone studded on a beautiful metal circle. Whatever be the case, the ring is unique in its own style.

These stones are well tested through all the conditions before using them. The stones to adore the ring pass through all the certification tests. We at Glamira, provide an assurance certificate of the exact details of the stone, which proves its authenticity. Rest, our rings will speak for themselves. We make sure your proposal will raise the bars above; once your partner sees the ring, you have chosen from us. So, whatever be your budget and your choice, we will give you what you want. Our fashion and jewelry specialists are there to help at all the stages of shopping. We will make sure you are completely satisfied with your choice before buying.