In this day and age, maintaining the momentum of ongoing success is quite difficult, because customer expectations are growing with every passing day. Generally, customers expect two things from brands:

·        Quality products.

·        Scintillating customer service.

Unlike the first one, companies often fail to meet the second expectation of customers. This happens because corporations mainly keep their focus on core competencies in order to stay one step ahead of business rivals. Because of the intention to dominate continuously, the quality of support service often gets compromised, which obviously, causes frustration to customers.

This is where renowned call center service providers come to the picture. Call centers in India, USA, UK, etc. have humungous experience in handling support operations, thus, they know how to bring a smile to customers’ face during service interactions. Hence, call center outsourcing is highly suggested to business owners as that’s the most effective way to keep the success ball rolling.

Today, we will lift the curtain on top 4 customer frustrations which call center service providers pre-empt from growing. So, let’s get going:

1.   Deep or complex IVR menu

Whenever customers are in need of help, they first make a call to a company with the expectation of getting prodigious solutions. As revealed by industry reports, 60% of customers prefer to give brands a buzz to get an appropriate solution to product-related issues.

If you have ever placed a call regarding support service, you may already know that browsing the IVR menu is the first step to make after a successful contact. Mostly, customers don’t mind going through the company’s IVR menu as they know it could help to get desired answers without being connected to support agents.

But the thing that annoys customers is navigating deep or complex IVR menu. You shouldn’t be amazed by knowing this as nobody likes to be trapped in the twirl of several options.

Thus, call centers in India, USA, UK, etc. put their best foot forward while improving the reliability of their IVR system. For the same, they take these measures:

·        Superfluous options get wiped out from the IVR menu.

·        Customer feedbacks get studied to add new options.

·        Support agents are requested to share their views on how to improve the effectiveness of the IVR menu.

2.   Gratuitous call transfers   

Another factor that drives customers up the wall is ‘Unnecessary call transfers.’ Whenever customers call regarding quality solutions, they expect no transfers.

However, when customers have to explain the same issue multiple times because their call is being transferred from one department to another, it makes them irked. Consequently, negative WOM takes place and creates bad brand recognition.

Here, recognized call center service providers pre-empt unnecessary call transfers to happen so that their clients can enjoy strong brand loyalty. Apart from this, the CSAT score also touches new levels.

3.   Long hold time

Because of long hold time, customers often lose their composure and engage in a heated argument with support agents. According to the latest survey results, 70% of customers disconnect the call after staying on hold for some couple of minutes, no matter whether the desired resolution has been delivered or not.   

When customers leave without availing desired solutions, it means the problem of turnover is likely to arise pretty soon. Needless to mention, the business’s productivity will suffer.

Here, the thing that can be helpful is call center outsourcing. It is because call center service providers know how to keep average hold time in check. Here’s how call centers in India bring the average hold time down:

·        Top-notch training gets provided to support reps so that basic or average issues could be obliterated without putting customers on hold.

·        Knowledge base gets brought into use during customer interactions in contemplation of slashing the average hold time.

·        Customer service requests get transferred according to their complexity levels so that senior support reps handle intricate issues, which, in turn, lowers down the odds of high hold time.

4.   Robotic customer service representatives

While handling customer service operations, companies usually think providing stupendous resolutions in a jiffy is the key to leaving a positive impression on customers. Well, it isn’t cent-percent true because customers also expect ‘Personalization’ besides satisfactory solutions.

Owing to the human factor, customers often raise their query on the voice channel. However, when they see impersonalized behavior of agents during support interactions, it somewhere affects service experience in a negative manner.

That’s why call center service providers instruct their agents to make every customer interaction personable. For the same, these tips are given to agents to take into account:

·        Assist customers by using experience, not with call scripts.

·        Use the CRM system so as to personalize the conversation during customer interactions.

Confirm there is no other issue to solve before putting the phone down.