Coupons Blog | About Us was created when one of our favorite local Chinese Food restaurants announced he was closing his doors after 13 years…

When I asked the owner why he was closing, he said that he had recently done a Groupon Coupon program. In one day, Groupon sold over 3000 coupons!! At first he was really excited, but then the truth came out…

The coupon was for $30 in his restaurant, Groupon sold it for $15 so what a great deal for the consumer.. right? Well then I found out that Groupon only sends the business half of that $15… so $7 per order. Then he told me that he would be getting the $7 in 3 monthly payments, so only $2.33 in the first month to cover $30 in his restaurant… NO ONE could possible serve $30 in food for even $7 let alone $2.33!

In less than a month, Groupon put him out of business…

Groupon, Living Social, Google Offers, Yelp Deals and most of the other coupon programs out there do EXACTLY the same thing! is different… the business owner chooses the discount, and keeps the rest… so if they offer a 20% discount, they keep 80% and can afford to stay in business! only charges our business clients $50 per month to have their coupons on our site… so it is affordable for any business!

Small businesses employ over 95% of Americans, if we all continue to support programs like Groupon, Living Social, Google Offers, Yelp Deals and others that end up putting small businesses out of business, then how will we ever get our country back to work and out of this funk!

I hope that you help out our local businesses by using the coupons on and helping make our local economy stronger!

Download our FREE app for your iPhone, iPod or iPad from the iStore or, on your Android powered device on the Market. The Red Tag App will alert you when you are near a great deal!

Who doesn’t like a GREAT DEAL??

Thank you!
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