With so many products to choose from in their cayennetology heart shotonline store, it's no wonder Cayennetology is becoming one of those small businesses that you just can't ignore. Everything from herbal solutions to cayenne apparel, cayenne sauces, cayenne candy, infused vinegars and more. Cayennetology started off by growing cayenne pepper plants and selling peppers to local restaurants but after all the heavy research of all the great benefits packed into one of those little peppers, they decided to get creative.           One of the products that is grabbing the attention of customers is their "Heart Shot". A 2 ml vial that you can carry around on your necklace or as a key chain. In it is a very potent little shot of cayenne pepper infused in rum that has been known to be more effective than aspirin in the case of an oncoming heart attack. Those at risk can carry this little vial around...just in case. First sign of a heart attack, call 911, then take a shot of cayenne pepper. History shows that it has stopped a heart attack in its tracks. If you know anyone that could use one, could be a nice little gift.

     Another item that people are raving about is there Cayenne Sauces. With combinations like Rosemary&garlic; hot sauce, Garlic-Ginger&cliantro hot sauce, Sage lovers hot sauce and more, you could put it on just about anything. On e of the main things I love about Cayennetology is that they grow there Cayenne Peppers and herbs using organic practices. You will find no chemicals and pesticides on any of their herbs.

     Visit Cayennetology today and see all of the great products.  www.cayennetology.com