Hi Everyone,
I would like to offer my services to anyone that has or knows of an animal that is in need of a home. If you send me the information to my email, I will circulate it through my address book connections and all other means of communication that I have as a pet sitter.  I don't have the available hours right now to do the actual connecting or screening of potential pet owners so be sure your email has the name, telephone and hopefully email of a contact person. Also any and all information you have on the animal including any photos. Additionally, for anyone looking for a pet, you may also submit that information to me. I am often asked to help find homes for all kinds of pets so maybe I can be helpful in that regard as well. One last thing. If anyone has the ability to foster a pet, whether it be for one day, one week or a month. I often find dogs running loose on the road late at night with no tags. Due to the late hour, there is no where to take them for the night so they can have a place to lay their head until the morning when more can be done to find their owner. I don't want to call the pound or shelter and I'm not always available to take them to my house because I'm often on overnight stays taking care of other's pets. It would be wonderful to be able to call someone who would be willing to give a pet (usually a dog) shelter for the night. Thank you so much. Please feel free to write or call if you think I might be of some animal assistance to you. This includes volunteer work. I may not always be available but it surely doesn't hurt to ask. Thank you, Carolyn w/ Carolyn's Pet Care   carolynspetcare@sbcglobal.net