Blogs from Businesses in Campbell, CA

The Role of Consulting Attorneys in Mediation

Many people who come to me to mediate their divorces do so because they do not want to “get lawyers involved”. They are afraid the lawyers will turn things into an adversarial nightmare. Therefore, it tends to make them nervous when I mention consulting attorneys in mediation. Let’s look at some of the things they do to enhance the process: 1.Give individual legal advice and counsel As the mediator, I am neutral and must remain so throughout the process. While I am perfectly qualified and capable of giving individual legal advice, I do not do so in mediation in order to maintain my neutrality. Some mediators require the parties to have consulting attorneys, others, like myself, do not. I give the parties lots of general legal overview information designed to help them in their decision-making process but they need to see consulting counsel if they have specific questions. 2.Support you in the mediation process Sometimes you just need someone to talk to and bat ideas around with in between mediation sessions. Your consulting attorney is supposed to be there to support you in the mediation process by giving you ideas and suggestions for how you might approach the discussion around certain issues. 3.Review your agreements and explain the ramifications of the agreements to you The beauty of mediation is that you are in charge of the decisions you make and you can think “outside the box” to find solutions for your case with the help of your mediator helps who then writes up the final agreement for you (known as a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA). Your consulting attorney is there to review that agreement with you BEFORE you sign it. They will carefully explain the ramifications of the agreement so you are informed of your rights and obligations and how the agreement affects them. It is NOT their job to talk you out of the agreement or give you permission to sign it. They will give you feedback on the agreement and it will be up to you to decide which of their comment you want to incorporate into your MSA and which you want to leave out. 4.Give “reality checks” as needed The information swirling around in a mediation session can get confusing and it helps to have someone to give you a “reality check” about whether your expectations are realistic. Sometimes, I send folks to consulting counsel when there is information they need that I cannot provide to them without breaking my neutrality. 5.Provide another set of eyes on the final agreement and help with language. Marital Settlement Agreements are long and complex documents that take time to write. As a mediator, I like to have consulting counsel review the MSA as it helps me. They sometimes find things I missed or, I ask them to help me with language to clarify the intent of the parties. The role of the consulting attorney mediation is a positive one. They are members of YOUR team to help you as you go through the process. Most mediators, me included, have a list of people they recommend as consulting attorneys so be sure to ask. My list for example, consists of other mediators and collaborative attorneys who know me and how I work. Many do not litigate at all. In closing, keep in mind that in mediation, the lawyers are there to help and support you, not turn the case into an adversarial battle. They have a very positive role to play and I highly respect them for it. more

By Russell Mediations May 27, 2019


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By Ace eComm Services May 24, 2019

Peel Smart Remote mobile application

Peel transforms your smartphone to control your TV, Cable / Satellite box, AC, Streaming Player and many more devices! more

By Peel Technologies Inc October 10, 2018

English By The Hour Accent, Speech & Executive Presence Coaching

Do you live in Boston? New York City? San Francisco? Phoenix? Austin? If you are looking for a way to engage with a professional speech & accent coach to improve how you sound and how you have perceived by others, you may find professional coaching is the answer! English by the Hour provide Coaching Service for non-native English speaking Professionals and Executives who aspire to improve their Speech, Voice & Presence in the Bay Area & beyond. more

By English by the Hour May 21, 2018

How can a person acquire “Executive Presence” – especially “gravitas”?

Executive Presence is a desired quality that allows a person to project a polished, professional, yet empathetic persona in any situation, clearly and effectively communicate at all levels, and inspire confidence and trust in others. Executive Presence is often defined as having 3 elements: Appearance Communication Gravitas According to Melinda Marshall, senior vice president at the Center for Talent Innovation and author of a book entitled Executive Presence, “Gravitas is overwhelmingly the most important aspect of executive presence, and the bulk of that trait is shown through confidence and the ability to show grace under fire.” (ThinkAdvisor, 2014). Gravitas, however, is a somewhat nebulous quality that is difficult to define. We can tell when others have it; we can tell when they don’t, but how do we identify specific behaviors that we do or don’t possess so we create change? Stop the “undesired” behaviors and ignite the “desired” behaviors? At English by the Hour, we can help you acquire the following qualities in support of 1) appearance, 2) communication and 3) gravitas: –     Powerful Presence –     Powerful Breathing –     Powerful Voice –     Powerful Speech more

By English by the Hour May 03, 2018

Breath on Air Flow Sounds

Breath on Air Flow Sounds Most Asians don’t use enough breath on “air flow” sounds in English. Which sounds are these? They are the sounds that sound “breathy” a bit when native speakers talk. Have you ever noticed which sound lasts longer? The voiceless ones like: Ffffeeling ffffanssssy (feeling fancy) Fffffirsssst thththththingssssss ffffirsssst (first things first) Fffffocusssss on the pozzzzzitivvvve (focus on the positive) Ssssomeththththing sssspeshshshshial (something special) Notice which sounds are longer in conversation, and practice deliberately releasing air specifically on those sounds. You will notice yourspeechincreases in voice time and sounds more pleasurable to listeners. This will make your speech sounds more measured (less rushed) and the timing will be better. The intonation will be easier to control with breath. Source URL : more

By English by the Hour May 02, 2018

Questions You Can Ask - English by the Hour

So what sorts of questions would you be able to ask outsiders at an open social gathering when networking?I would recommend that the greatest objective isn't to outrage anybody. Thus, directing far from any remarks about dress or weight or employment is likely a smart thought.Why? Since you could insult somebody by discussing those things if you make a mistake. Classic in American culture is asking a is asking a lady who looks pregnant if she's having a boy or a girl. She might be overweight and not pregnant (extremely humiliating). She might not have any desire to reveal the gender of her child or have faith in not finding on ahead of time. Or on the other hand, she might not have any desire to share this information with a stranger. You never know, so don’t bring it up. You need to careful with the dress. On the off chance that you compliment somebody, the individual may think you are “coming on to them” … that is, searching for a date or an attachment. Particularly if you aren’t sure about your “delivery” or how to say things in English well, certainly avoid these traps. Asking about somebody’s job could send any one of many negative messages:: you want their job, you are ridiculing them for not having a great job, you are prying into their business for your own pickup, maybe to sell something to them.None of this is great. Stay away! Rather, make questions about: the event you are both going to (something you have in common). Discuss the parking situation. Approach what's for lunch.Represent an issue like: “I’m a vegetarian.I think about whether there will be something I can eat at break time. What do they normally have?" Notice how I’m giving context to the questions. You don’t just a question out of the blue like: “What's this occasion on p.6 of the brochure?” Not unless you are asking an employee there. In the event that you are making casual chitchat with another attendee, make it more personal like this, “Last time I was here, I missed the presentation on cutting-edge critical thinking methods. I see they are offering in the green room at 2 pm.What do you think about the point?" As should be obvious, you can have a ton of fun with this if you do a little preparation on subjects before you attend! Source URL: more

By English by the Hour April 07, 2018

Exaggeration is the New Normal - English by the Hour - Tips for Asians

Exaggeration is the New Normal - English by the Hour - Tips for Asians When I ask clients to “exaggerate” or “elongate” sounds, they often tell me it sounds exaggerated, and they don’t want to do it. Recording will help because often it’s not as exaggerated as you think. But in addition to that, what feels exaggerated is really just “strong” so you might ask yourself what makes you want to say things quickly and softly. Often it’s a fear we’re not saying things correctly. Start noticing when you rush and make notes about what you were saying. Then, look at the key words and write them phonetically. Then during your “practice time”, say them and record them (slowly and clearly, a syllable at a time). Once you “have it”, notice if the next time you can emphasize those words without feeling that you are exaggerating. One sound Asians tend to feel is exaggerated is the /r/ after a consonant, like “creature” or the /l/ after a consonant like “clear”. The reason it feels so exaggerated is the tongue engagement behind the upper teeth is too light for many Asian speakers (such as Thai or Japanese speakers). So hold the tongue there longer, and you will get a more native-like sound. Emphasizing wordsis important … it may sound like exaggerating to you until you hear how you sound in public, and you may be surprised how great you actually do sound! Source URL: more

By English by the Hour March 31, 2018

NutFind Bluetooth and GPS Locator

We offer a great selection of GPS satellite tracking devices for tracking Keys, Mobile, Wallet, Luggage, etc.NutFindis small tracking brand which connected Mobile App and find your lost items. Now the modern era is very busy so the possibility is that you can forget anything. If you have Nut tracker, then you can save your valuable things. more

By Nut Find December 02, 2017

3 Things To Look For A Photo Booth Rental

Photo booth rentals are trending for any social gathering or event. One most important thing about photo booths rentals is that they save memories of the event through pictures. They print all the pictures taken in the event at the same time and also save every single shot into a disk. Some photo booths also offer a customized video presentation of all the snap-shots on the request of the host or the guests. Here are the top 3 things to look for a photo booth rental:- 1. Price- Affordable Photo Booth Rental In San Jose is easily available. So it is mandatory to check for various options and then chose the one which is feasible according to one’s budget. 2. Quality- This is the most important thing to scrutinize in a photo booth. Factors like camera quality, lighting, and printer set up are the most vital components of a photo booth. Professional companies also mail the actual sample photos so that one can compare the print quality. 3. Insured- Most of the photo booth rental companies carry liability insurance which secures damage if any mishap happens in the photo booth. And also protect the guests at the event.  By keeping these 3 things in mind, one can easily find a photo booth rental that well suits the requirements and preferences. more

By PhotoWorks Interactive Photobooth Rentals of San Jose March 21, 2017

Roku Tech Support +1-877-541-3075

We atRoku Tech Supportprovide high quality service that extends from installation to internet connectivity. Call +1-877-541-3075 for instant solutions. more

By Kindle Technical Support March 10, 2017

7 Great Social Media Marketing Tips You Should Be Using Now

Social media has become a strong tool for marketers. We see the power of social media everyday with videos and pictures constantly going viral. For marketers we are able to use this unique tool to increase web traffic to our company websites. With more clients involved with your company you will see an increase your sales. If your social media marketing plan is successful you will also have a large amount of new leads due to email marketing. There are so many different marketing strategies out there, ensuring that you are using these 7 tips can boost your company’s campaign. 1. Know what works. Seeing what other companies in your same department are using on their social media accounts can be very beneficial to you. Seeing what they do and knowing what is working for them or what is not working can help you tailor your strategy plan. 2. Have a well thought out strategy. Nothing works unless you have a plan first. If you just start signing up for different social media platforms you can really do some damage. Sitting down with your team and creating an organized plan can make for a successful strategy. Being able to dictate every move down to the day of which each element will be in place will keep your social media marketing plan running smoothly. Read full article: more

By Solutionarian Marketing March 10, 2017

Optimizing Your Local SEO in 2016

Raise your hand if you want to be number two… No one? As business owners we want to be the best, we provide excellent service and have worked hard to get to where we are, and still when we are searched on Google or Bing we are nowhere to be seen and we wonder why. Yes, your business may be successful, some of your neighboring companies may use your service, you here people talk about your business, though your presence on the internet is almost nonexistent. Modernizing your local SEO is a technique that bigger business should use and also it can be beneficial to smaller Mom and Pop shops. Being able to have a presence on Google can be very beneficial to your business, as clients need services they are more inclined to look up their need online, and if your business is nowhere to be seen you are likely missing out on business opportunities. Local SEO guarantees that searches done on a site like Google, that are in your area or looking for services done in your area your website will be one of the first to come up. There are three components of local SEO that you should keep in mind: on page, off page and link building strategies. On page local SEO would be content on your website that would connect your business with the location in which you service. For businesses in the Campbell, CA area you would want a page in which that is dedicated to that Campbell location. Having pages like this will help your business because when a client is searching for something near them, Google will crawl through websites for the results that correspond the best. Pages on websites work best when you are very specific with your services and your location. Read full article: more

By Solutionarian Marketing March 10, 2017

Building Your Business With Social Media Marketing

For businesses to get on the right social media can be a pretty heavy tasks for both large businesses and for startup businesses. Though it is very important for businesses to know what social media they should be investing their time in. Spending time on social media that isn’t effective is a waste of your time and resources. Now, every company is different, so their use in social media will differ, some social media marketing, at times, will not be as effective for others. In order to create an effective social media marketing platform, you will need to know your business and your clientele. Of course being on the right social media marketing strategies that cannot only boost your leads, but it will also grow your business, the more your seen the better coverage you can have and with that you will have more clients coming into your office, store or website and with all of those components you will drive your SEO through the roof. There are a few social media outlets that have been proven effective for several businesses despite the variety of products or services that they may provide. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook have all been proven very effective on the marketing scale. Read full article: more

By Solutionarian Marketing March 10, 2017

7 Things Clients Hate About Website Design

As your business grows, the main way to get your company out there is creating a website. Creating a website can be easy to some, but creating an effective website isn’t always as easy.  You need to develop a good website design that has intuitive webpages and created with your visitors in mind. Your client base is very important and maintaining a happy clientele is difficult when your website isn’t appealing or easy to use. When your website design isn’t user-friendly you are more likely to lose your lead to a competitor with a more approachable design. Keep in mind these 7 reasons why your potential leads are not reacting to your website the way that they should. 1) It takes forever to load. When potential leads are visiting your website, they are going to your site for a reason.   The job of your website is to be able to show the content in which your lead is looking for as fast as possible. If your client cannot see your content in a timely manner they are more likely to leave. If your lead does continue to wait for your website despite the wait time their satisfaction has decreased significantly. We can agree, that at times it is not the fault of the website design as to why it is running slow, there can be other factors. Regardless, as a business owner, it is your responsibility to optimize your site’s load performance. At times that can mean taking down videos, or reducing the size of your images or looking into the code of your site. 2) It isn’t optimized for mobile. Mobile smartphones have become such a huge impact on the way websites have to be set up. More often than not you will see someone pulling their phone out to check a website than a laptop. Believe it or not, not everything that you will see on a computer is compatible to a mobile device, often times it makes the client scroll side-to-side to read the website, or zooming in to read words that are often too small. Making your website design mobile-friendly can make your website more convenient for your clients to check whenever they are on the go, and easier to show other leads. Read full article: more

By Solutionarian Marketing March 10, 2017

Recent Reviews View all

Campbell Locksmiths


By Julia Mackenzie

These guys are total pros! I hired Campbell Locksmiths for a lock change job at my property and they went about it in a completely professional manner. I was given a complete list of options, advised on the best course of action and even asked to redeem a discount coupon from their site I must say, it can’t get better than this! They were done with the job in an hour! Quick, affordable and efficient, they’re no doubt the number one locksmith firm in Campbell, CA! more

Litherland, Kennedy & Associates, APC, Attorneys at Law


By paulm9023

Very professional staff, excellent attention to detail, great friendly staff. Extremely organized documents. Make you feel comfortable and responded to all questions we had. more

Litherland Roy W Atty


By kennethr985

Competent, Capable, Courteous. more

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