The Idea Center IPAD application is designed to allow the user to capture thoughts and ideas as they occur.

Any passing idea, lyric, haiku, joke, task or note can be quickly entered into the Idea Center database using an IPAD without the need for network connectivity.

When the thought strikes you, take out your IPAD, start the Idea Center application, and jot your thought down before it slips away..

You can take a photo and save it with just a title, or you can add a description and accompanying text.

Since your idea has been captured in a database on your IPAD, you can always come back to it and flesh it out later.

The Idea Center also will create a presentable format for your idea through the use of styles and categories.

The application allows the user to create their own styles and categories that can be reused for consistent output.

Ideas can be arranged into documents, shared between documents, or just stand on their own.  Either way, ideas and documents can be formatted into PDF files and sent to a printer or emailed to friends and colleagues.

I have used this tool to write two user manuals to date.  I find the process quicker and less painful than writing manuals using Word or some other word processing software.

I take the usual screen prints from the target software application and then load them onto my IPAD via ITunes.  Next, I create an idea for each captured screen print. Filling in the description, text and some useful keywords like application x, or user manual.

Then I assembled the ideas into a document, using the application splash screen for the document title page.  I review the document and edit the individual ideas and then regenerate the document.

When I am satisfied with the document, I email it to my clients or save it to my Imac using ITunes.