• Depending on the type of adoption you are seeking you may or may not meet the requirements necessary to complete an adoption. Each state, county and country has different requirements for potential parents seeking to adopt.
    The following are general requirements for a domestic adoption

    · Married, single, divorced or widowed applicants may adopt

    · Applicants with or without children residing in the home may adopt

    · A renter or home owner may adopt

    · 21 years or older may adopt

    · Applicants can be employed or a stay-at-home parent – as long as your income is adequate to meet your household needs.

    · Applicants must complete and obtain an approved homestudy assessment

    · Applicants must complete a criminal and child abuse clearance check




    The following are general requirements for a international adoption


    · Married, Single Woman(depending on the program),widowed applicants may adopt

    · Applicants with divorces may adopt

    · Home owner or renter may adopt

    · Singles age 25 and older may adopt; Married couples age 21 and older may adopt

    · Applicants can be employed or a stay-at-home parent – as long as your income is adequate to meet your household needs.

    · Applicants must complete and obtain an approved homestudy assessment

    · Applicants must complete a criminal and child abuse clearance check

    · Applicants with a mental illness CANNOT adopt

    · Applicants with specific medical diagnosis (depending on the country) cannot adopt



    If you are interested in learning more about the requirements or process to adopt you can contact our office or request your free adoption guides by going to our website at www.bbas.org