I recently became aware of Give to Get Jobs when I received a tweet notifying me that Broker for Charity had been listed in their social enterprise database.  After checking out their database, I was impressed that they had compiled a list of over 1300 social enterprises and was thrilled to see so many new companies giving back that I hadn't seen before.  The more I read, the more I realized that they were much more than a database of companies doing good.

Mother/Daughter team Stacy McCoy and Betsey Epstein recently launched Give To Get Jobs, as platform to find and post jobs that give back.  With a background in for-profit and nonprofit and finding shortcomings in both models, Stacy recognized a need for a middle ground that would combine the best of both of these worlds.  Employees can find jobs with companies that share their values, give back to their communities while still making a profit and companies can find employees that are passionate about giving back and share their company values and mission.   Job hunters will find postings throughout the United States, and hopefully someday the world, through Get to Give Jobs' career center.  Jobs are mostly at social enterprises, for -profit companies created specifically to fill a need or alleviate unfavorable conditions in a community, or corporations filling positions specific to the social responsibility of their company.  Candidates may search by many different criteria, including location, industry, position requirements, and company.  Job searches and resume postings are free for candidates and if needed, Give to Get Jobs will help with resumes and cover letters for a small fee.

For social enterprises and corporations looking to fill socially responsible positions, Give to Get Jobs provides the traditional job board model with the added value of targeting specific candidates.  The pool of candidates that are searching the database aren't just looking for "any" job, they're specifically looking for positions that give back and companies that share their values.  In addition to postings, employers may register for access to the candidate resume database for an additional fee.  For these employer clients, marketing and spotlighting the good they’re doing is a free added value provided with their services.

Give to Get Jobs donates a portion of their fees to one of three nonprofit job creation programs via their non-profit partner See Your Impact.  Employers may choose to: provide a month of job training to increase a family's income, support a low income-student through a drop-out prevention program, or send a child of migrant worker to school for a month.

At Give to Get Jobs everyone is giving.  The companies that are posting jobs are giving back to their communities, the job seekers are looking to give back in their careers, the companies in the extensive social enterprise database and Give to Get Jobs by giving a portion of their profits to a See Your Impact program.  There's a lot of good going on here so don't miss it!

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