Acne can be very trick as there are many different forms of it!  The first thing to remember is that overusing products with irritating ingredients will not allow for proper healing. You must keep the skin balanced to avoid compromising the integrity and health of the skin.
There are so many products available in the market both professionally and over the counter......What you need to know:
Ingredients, Ingredients, Ingredients!
Salicylic Acid - Derived from aspirin, so if pregnant please do not use! Helps control oil and is used to help soften and prep the skin allowing for better extractions of comedones aka blackheads (performed by a licensed esthetician)Glycolic Acid - Derived from Sugar Cane and is used to exfoliate dead skin cells, reducing and preventing newer discoloration (acne scarring) and clearing mild acne.Azulene - Normalizes skin, has great anti-inflammatory and astringent propertiesBenzoyl Peroxide B.P.O. - Increases skin turnover, clears pores, kills and reduces bacteriaSulfur - Used as a drying agent, however, some people are allergic to this ingredientGreen Tea - healing and SoothingAloe Vera - Anti- inflammatory properties can be used to sooth irritated and inflamed skin.Lifestyle:
Exercise is beneficial to get your blood flowing and your cells oxygenated.Diet:
H20 - Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep the skin hydrated.Fiber - Consume plenty of fiber in your diet to help eliminate waste in our body, so if you are suffering of constipation and your skin is breaking out, this is a great indicator of one of the problems!Antioxidants - Nuts, Berries and Supplements such as Resveratrol, Co-Enzyme Q10Foods to Avoid

All Sugars and Sugary Foods White Flour/Bread Dark Colas Dairy Caffeine Hydrogenated Oils Alcohol

**Before changing your diet, please consult your physician for any dietary needs or restrictions you may have.