Well they are if you are like most people and have a bunch of keys, key tags and other stuff hanging off of your vehicle’s ignition key. Yes, having anything other than just the ignition key in the key slot on your dash or steering column can and will cost you big time, later.

            Take that big wad of keys for just a moment and hold them by the ignition key. Feel the weight. That weight is causing your key to wear out the ignition lock cylinder in the dash or steering column.   

            Think of a teeter totter or any lever and you can quickly see how all that weight could easily place extra force where it is not welcome.

            I have been guilty of it as well. It is convenient to have all my keys in one place. And it seems to work well enough. Until….

            One day you’ll begin to notice that the key doesn’t want to turn, or worse you cannot get the key out. Murphy’s Law (Anything that can go wrong will) is alive and well in your car. I am seeing more and more types of vehicles experiencing this kind of failure. It usually results in a tow bill, and then several hundreds of dollars later the car is repaired but the key that starts it no longer fits the doors. Now there are even more keys on the key ring.

            Yes, the ignition key can be re coded to fit the original key. Only problem is that the key itself is usually worn out and can cause other issues. I usually recommend the new key option. Cheaper for the customer and better for your car.

            Next time you see a big wad of keys, help the person out and tell them about what you read here. You could be a real hero.