For many years Soke Hausel taught hundreds of students in the traditional arts of karate, kobudo (Okinawan weapons), self-defense, jujutsu, samurai arts and martial arts history while searching for gold, diamonds and colored gemstones. In 1999, Hausel, was certified as grandmaster of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate and promoted to kudan (9 degree black belt). In 2012, he received an honor presented only to a handful of martial artists since the 19 century– he was promoted to 12 degree black belt.

In 2007, he decided to move from Wyoming to the East Valley of Phoenix and opened a traditional martial arts center at 60 W. Baseline Road on the border of Mesa and Gilbert to after teaching university students more than 4 decades. His students at the Arizona School of Traditional Karate (aka Arizona Hombu) include a variety of accountants, engineers, scientists, university professors, teachers, law enforcement, teenagers and retirees.

Over the years, Grandmaster Hausel has been the recipient of dozens of international and national awards in the geological sciences and martial arts. He was inducted into the National Rock Hound Hall of Fame, was awarded the Thayer Lindsley Award in Geology along with induction into the North American Black Belt Hall of Fame, and World Martial Arts Black Belt Hall of Fame and now has been nominated for Honorary Doctorate of Letters by the IBC in Cambridge England, the 2014 Decoration for Achievement in Science and induction in Who’s Who in the World 2015.