homeowners insurance quotes california

homeowners insurance quotes california

BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:QUOTES-FOR-INSURANCE.NET


How cheap would my insurance rates be?

A friend on mine had recent gotten a 99 Civic 2 dr and his insurance is 80$ a month. If i get a 94 Civic with 4drs, how much cheaper would it be going to the same insurance company, having a older year, and it not being a sports car? We are both 17. Also, How much do you think my rates would be for a 21 year old owning both a 95 Civic and a 2001 Corvette? Its kind of late to call the insurance company now so i want an opinion. =D Thanks"

Will lifting my Jeep affect my insurance rates?

I have a Jeep Cherokee, which is my daily driver, but I m lookin into making it alot bigger, putting a 6 lift kit on and putting 35 tires. I dont know whether or not I need to notify my insurance company about this. I dont expect them to insure the lift or anything, but can I be dropped by them if I do not tell them? I m not actually going to be taking the truck offroad (stupid I know, but its just for looks)."

"Why am I getting quoted 11,000 for 1.0L third party only car insurance?"

I am 17 years old (male) and have just passed my driving test. I was supposed to purchase a 2010 Citroen C1 5 door with a 1.0L engine today but had a look at the insurance first. This tiny, under powered pathetic excuse of a car is probably the most insurance friendly car I could think of yet on all the car insurance sites like go compare and confused the lowest quotes were 11,000. What am I doing wrong? I have been able to choose all the best stuff like locked in a garage at night, the highest excess, low annual mileage etc There is nothing in my details that would be counter productive for a low insurance quote. This is only third party as well, if I was to have a bump my car wouldn t even be covered! I need to be driving by christmas, I don t even care that much about what car I have to drive (hence the C1) as long as it isn t too old. Just anything that I will get a realistic quote on. Any advice? Maybe I am doing something wrong here. Thanks!"

Car title and insurance

hi my sister is sending me her car on Monday with the title. If I go to the DMV that day with the title will I be able to drive the car that day? I will also be callign my insurance agency to add the car - does that take more than a day? thank

How much is a used car and how much is car insurances ?

i am going to be 16 soon and i want to buy a used car and car insurances so how much is it i live in canada if that helps nova scotia to so umm yeah and btw i can t go on my ...show more

I have my driving test soon need insurance help im 17 could go on mums insurance but lowest quote is 1500?

and thats with a box in the car but lowest quote without box in lowest quote 3500 and lowest quote on my own insurance 4000 her car is a 1.4 54 plate fiesta on my own it would be a banger old car

Health insurance and ma.health?

If you are 19 and have coverage under your fathers insurance . You have no job or income and Living with grandparent because of health issues Can you still have Ma. Health to help cover medication and co-payments for doctors? Applied once and told no because they have coverage under the fathers insurance. Has applied for disability because of the medical illness. Do not know of any other insurance to help with costs.

Who has cheap auto insurance in Austin?

I need to find auto insurance that is not as much as my car payment. Can anyone suggest an agency please?

Cheapest young driver car insurance?

Hi, I will be driving soon and know insurance is very expensive for young, new drivers. Does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies OR techniques of how to get cheap car insurance? Thanks."

Insurance for you stocks?

Is there any type of insurance for purchasing stocks, like if I lose a lot of money somebody will pay me back? Why not? You just pay a premium every so often and if you lose the company gives you 75% percent back but take claim of your stocks, it would take the fear out of investing!"

How much should a insurance company pay for a car accident that left me disabled for the rest of my life?

I have had 1 surgery and may need another on my back. I can no longer do the things i use to enjoy. I have a 7 year old that I can t do the things i use to do and should be able to. I m now on pain management. The pain and suffering goes beyond just the usual. I just want to know what i should expect from the insurance company beyond my doctor bills?

Motorcycle insurance?

I just bought a new 2013 triumph thruxton and I was wondering how much insurance would cost me I got a quote from progressive and it ended up being 3744 every six months can anyone shed some light on why its so expensive by the way I m 18 and I paid the bike in full no loans it s paid for completely

Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?

I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That s like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn t watching over us better. Right?

Do parking citations affect my insurance rates?

I recently received a speeding ticket. This was my first ticket in the four years I ve been driving, so I was able to keep it off of my record and insurance by taking an online ...show more"

Can I tell my car insurance company that my car will be kept at different address for cheaper deal?

My registered address with my insurance and car is more expensive than if I keep it at families address, so can I legally keep the car somewhere other than my registered address in order to have cheaper car insurance? By that I mean give the insurance company my real address and tell them it will be kept at a different address?"

Does one speeding ticket affect your insurance rate ?

i got my first speeding ticket , i live in Utah , and i have state farm insurance so will it affect my rate ?"

Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?

Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.

How do you get insurance?

How do you the following insurance Health insurance dental insurance homeowner insurance car insurance life insurance I know health insurance, dental insurance, and life insurance you can get as benefits from your employer. How do you get car insurance and home owners insurance. How much does health insurance pay for if you had to go to the hospital. Do you get medical bills from the hospital for you to pay how much you have to after your insurance pays for most of it."

Whats the best vintage muscle car on insurance for a 18 year old?

ive heard that if a car had a smaller engine, 4 door instead of coupe etc. it would be cheaper on insurance. So i want to know what muscle car would be cheapest on insurance for a 18 year old."

Need health insurance to get from age 62 to 65?

I plan to retire in a year and need to find more affordable health insurance to get me to medicare age. I have the option of keeping my existing workplace provider, but at a cost of 800 dollars a month for my wife and I. I have been given a recommendation of a company called First Chioce Insurance . I beleive they are based in Florida. Anybody have any dealings with them?..thanks, Vince"

My girlfriends car insurance has been cancelled by the insurer!?

my girlriends insurer has sent a letter to my girlfriend saying that they have made a mistake with her insurance after she has been driving for about 3 weeks. they say that she now has to pay 12000 or cancel her insurance. the issue is that they have already taken 780 of her. and also if she cancels her insurance she will not be able to getanother reasonable quote again! My question is is it illegal for them to do this!? and how do we go about getting it back without her next quoting flying through the roof?

"On, average what would a classic mini s insurance cost be.?"

In the UK for a first time, 18 year old driver, car would be left on a drive in a low crime area"

The car dealer i bought my car from is saying i need my own insurance policy instead of being covered....?

Im a covered driver under my parents insurance policy. I pay for full coverage myself. I just financed a new car all by myself (my Parents arent on the loan or on my new registration). The car dealership is giving me such a hard time about my insurance, theyre saying im not insured, only my parents are, and i would either need to get my own policy (which would be a lot more expensive) or add one of my parents to the registration/loan. Neither my parents, our auto insurer, or i understand why this is the case. Can you explain This? is the car dealership right??"

Is it illegal to have car insurance from Florida if you live in New York?

I m a new driver and was interested in getting car insurance through my grandmother s policy in Florida, I have a mailing address out there and visit Florida once a year, but live in New York."

When does my insurance expire?

I have a Family HealthPlus insurance that I just renewed thus is valid until next year, I also just got a new job, and my employment insurance is in effect as of July 1. What happens next? is my HealthPlus automatically cancelled or can I use both of my insurances simultaneously? The reason why I am asking is that, I have a referral to extract my wisdom tooth from my old insurance, and would like to use it to do just that. My employer does not allow me to take sick/personal days off in the first 90 days of my employment, so I can t really do that between now and July 1, to schedule an extraction. Thanks a bunch!"

homeowners insurance quotes california

homeowners insurance quotes california

How much for infinity g35 or nissan 350z insurance?

Well ive had my license since I was 16 and im currently 18. I have a jeep and after working on it and driving it so much ive decided to get rid of it for something new. Im pretty set on getting either a g35,350z or 330xi, however, i wanted to know how much insurance might cost for either the infinity or the 350z. For the people who want to judge and say i dont deserve any of these cars,please refrain from commenting that on this post.1)I do not car and 2) Im a very good driver and i drive a lot and have a lot of experience on the road sees that I m always driving around to and from practice,work,and each parents house because they are divorced. thank you"

Car released to my insurance company?

my car has been released to my insurance company, for them to ascertain whether my car is repairable or is a write off, the car an MGTF Convertible was burnt to dust at the week-end and no courtesy car has been provided, making my journey to Edinburgh from Glasgow and back again every workday a bit of a nightmare, has anyone any idea how long this process of making me an offer will take, as it is costing me a fortune in rail fares"

When should I sell my car to move to California?

I am moving from Kansas to Los Angeles,California this coming August/September for school and my car requires a lot of money so I want to get rid of it before I go.. $200 month on the payment $80 for insurance $120 month on gas and not including any maintenance that has to be done so with all that being said it seems like a good idea to sell it and save my money after moving to just purchase a cheaper car outright if need be. Does this seem like a good idea and if so when should i start listing my car for sale? It s a 2006 Saturn Ion and by the time I am ready to sell I ll owe about $4,500-5,000. Any answers from someone who has been in the same situation or who can provide ADVICE would be helpful, I don t need to hear any answers about staying in Kansas because that isn t related to the question. Thank you!"

How to get insurance in your name?

If my son obtains a loan for a truck that is for me how can I get the insurance in my name and under my own insurance.My son insurance would be too high with his age and I will be the only driver.

What is an affordable life insurance for a cigarette smoker?

What is an affordable life insurance for a cigarette smoker?

Is insurance expensive for a Motorcycle?

I want to get a 1982 Yamaha Virago and was wondering how much is the insurance? Im 23 years old

Which Insurance Company?

I am a 20 year old male and i m looking for insurance for my car. The prices range from 1000-3000. I know it depends on Claims, how long you ve been driving, your age etc etc but just wondering does anyone have any suggestions about which insurance companies are quite cheap for people around my age?"

Can I be primary driver on my insurance on a car that my daughter and my ex-wife are financing?

My daughter would like me to be the primary driiver on a 2010 charger with a V6 on my insurance, so it will be cheaper payments for her. She and my ex-wife will be financing the car."

Is this what we will expect with government run health insurance...?

I went to our government run motor company, GM, and told them I m here to pick up my new truck. They said yes sir, and that will be $25,000. I said wait a second, I just paid billions of dollars to own my own car company, and it will still cost me $25,000 for a new truck? They said yes. So I went to Ford, and looked at a comparable truck, and it was $19,000. I asked, do I own this car company, they said nope, we are still owned by Ford. So, that has me wondering... I currently pay $665 a month for insurance for my family, and it s pretty good. What much is that going up once the government has to get paid too? Will it be $6,000 more a year? And why is it that I can t just pick up my Government Motors truck, I do own it right? Or, did Obama lie about the people owning the company? And since he lied about that, is it possible that he s lying about the cost and the public option? And finally... didn t he promise transparency in the negotiations, and it would all be on CSPAN? I keep looking for video of those negotiations, and can t find it anywhere. Is it possible that he Lied about that too? With all these lies, and can you possibly trust a thing this moron is telling you?"

Car Insurance without a license?

I know this is a dumb question, but I thought I would ask anyway. My 25 year old son, recently had his license suspended, due to non payment of a ticket. His car registration is coming up this month. Is there any way he can get insurance, so the registration on his car, will remain current. At least until he pays off his ticket."

Do I need to pay insurance on a SORN car?

Hi if i declare my car SORN (UK) do i need to pay insurance or MOT?

Can you rent a car without car insurance?

No longer own a car so no car insurance, but need to rent one for a few days- can I rent or do I have to have an insured driver do it or can I buy the rental companys car insurance?"

What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?

What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?

How can i get insurance for free during my pregancy? I just found out and i have no insurance?

who can i call to get insurance because im uninsured right now?

Quick question about a 16 year girl s car insurance rate...?

My daughter s about to turn 16. Anyone have any idea what we can expect her insurance rate to be on a 2011 Mustang V6?

What is the best and most affordable whole life insurance i can get for my mother who is 77?

what s the best and most affordable whole life policy i can get for my mother who is 77 and has numerous health concerns?

Guess our car insurance?

Primary driver: 24, perfect driving record, female, some college completed but no degree The car: Something mediocre from the late 80s to late 90s The insurance: Minnesota, metro area, daily 10-20 mile commute each way, we want all the proper liability and personal injury coverage but don t care about collision Seriously, just guess. We ll take any ideas. We completely know it varies by each of those factors and many more, and we already know the national average. If you know the state average, that s one step up on us. I d get a quote, but my roommate is the one seriously thinking about cars right now, and I don t want to do anything in someone else s name. She ll be getting quotes soon, but right now I m a little concerned about the insurance companies possibly running credit checks, as I m under the impression a slew of them at a time can lower your score, and we don t know what car we re getting yet. So once that s settled, we ll check into it for real. We just want to TRY to budget before we seriously car hunt."

How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Nissan Navara Pick Up Truck?

JUST OUT OF INTEREST I have always wanted a Nissan Navara Pick up truck and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 08 plate? Im not fussed weather it is expensive i know it wont be cheap and the companies are unlikely to insure me on them but i was just wondering about a price. Its hard for me to go on insurance websites as i do not have a license and know any information. I have herd they are in Group 11 insurance.. Also are they classed as a Van/Car/ Etc? Would just like an average quote please! don t want answers with depends on this, this or this .. Thanks very much!"

What is an average g2 driver s insurance worth?

I Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro ss -primary (only) driver of vehicle -driver s ed training. looking for average monthly insurance. im in ontario, canada."

Can I buy Motorcycle Insurance for 3 months?

Is it possible for Geico to do that?

Are you insured if your parents have car insurance on that car?

I was pulled over the other day.. And I didnt have proof of insurance on me. I know when I show up to court I can show it though. My mom has it and I was driving her car for that day. So now I m just wondering if I m covered or not

Health Insurance?

I ve recently changed jobs. The job that I have right now doesn t offer insurance at the moment. While looking for affordable health insurance I got injured playing soccer (I was diagnosed with torn ACL). Any idea what shoud I do now? According to the doctor the surgery can wait few months. Should I hide my injury from the insurance company and get the insurance, then after some time fix my knee etc? Please help."

What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?

We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?"

How much do you pay for auto insurance?

I just spent a few hours getting an auto insurance quote from a number of companies. I got a real good rate ($573 for a whole year) for our 2004 car and all the extras. I think this is a pretty good rate but wonder if others are paying more or less. How much are you paying?

Car insurance and moving?

I m going to buy a car soon, And then move pretty much right after that...It would be a good idea to get the insurance and plates and stuff before I go, obviously, but what will need to be done once I move? I heard that as long as I live in my parent s house, the insurance would be cheaper, well, I d be moving out...so I have no idea how to get everything straightened around."

homeowners insurance quotes california

homeowners insurance quotes california

Driving someones car without insurance?

If you drive someone elses car and that person has insurance but not you, and you get ticketed. do you also get ticketed for driving without insurance. is it possible to drive someones car without you yourslef buying car insurance? btw this is in dallas, texas"

What is some really good but not exspensive auto insurance?

my daddy is with progressive and its really high on him and he is looking for a better and less exspensive auto insurance any suggestions.

"So my father has car insurace in Spring Valley , Ny which causes his insurance to be cheap...?

He wants to add me as a driver and Im 19 yrs old. I live in Brooklyn. Me and him have two complete different addresess. When he adds me should I give them my brooklyn address or it doesnt matter. Note that I dont want the different address the increase his insurance

Is it too risky to be a homemaker even if spouse has good life insurance?.?

We both agree that I should be with kids but I m worried about financial risks.

Sports car insurance... Wil it be cheaper if...?

Well im 18 years old and still live with my rentz. I have a job and i make 1400-1600$ a month. I have only a few minor bills. Here in about 3 weeks im buying a 1996 pontiac firebird v6 coupe from a dealership. Before i buy the car i need some insurance info. Iv been to over 10 of the leading insurance companies and gotten rate quotes and there all 400$+ a month.. This is suprising because i only payed 120$ a month for my old car ( f150). So im wondering if my insurance will go down if my parents add me and my car to there insurance? If so how would i go about this? And how much of a price difference would it be? All answers are appriciated.. **No Spam Please**

Who has to pay and/or who s insurance payments go up?

presume i am driving a car that doesn t belong to me, but a car someone let me borrow for just one drive. the car is insured for the owner, but my name is not on the insurance. i have my own insurance, but its for some other car. i am a minor (17) and have a california driver s license with 1 point on it. now, let s say I get into a car accident (in califonia) and its my fault. there is damage to the other driver s car, but none to mine. if reported to the insurance companies and not handled on the side, who s insurance goes up? mine or the owner of the car s? if not reported to the insurance companies, who is responsible for paying, me or the owner of the car? will this accident result in an added point to my drivers license? any other information i should know of? any help will be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!"

I wanna buy a car but don t have insurance?

I m about to turn 16 so I don t even have my permit. But I saw a car today for close to what I have. I m gonna borrow the extra from my dad but how soon do I need to buy insurance? It s probably jut gonna sit in my driveway til I can drive. I just wanna get it before someone else does because its a good deal. But do I need insurance for a car that no one is driving? I brought it up to my mom and **** I got bitched out. I have to pay my own expenses by the way. I just wanna know if anyone has something different to say. Thanks

Will my health insurance pay if car insurance refuses?

We have Personal Injury Protection, but car insurance says we didn t file claim on time."

"I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I m driving my mom s car?"

I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I m driving my mom s car? She has allstate insurance. I won t be driving often. in California btw"

Whats the best multi car insurance company?

I live 5 miles from work. got a great driving record and i own 3 plus cars one daily driver the others i only drive not even 3000 a year just toys i like to keep im single and sick of pulling insurance off and on just to say id rather just pay a decent price to cover them all my daily driver is like 250 and my van i havnt even drove this year they want the same along with another 300 for a truck. Is there a insurance company that realises im one person and collectors plates mean i barley drive these things! please only respond if you have more then one car insured and have tryed a couple diff companys

How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?

Ok so I m gonna be 20 in a couple months and I m tired of driving my crappy integra. I ve been saving up and I m set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I m on my parents plan. I don t know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily"

How can I get the cheapest possible car insurance?

I m going to buy my first car in a few months, and I need to sign up for car insurance. I don t know where to start. I only work part-time so I want the bare-bonest of plans, absolute cheapest possible."

I hit a parked car and damaged the front of my car. is it cheaper to go through insurance?

how do i find out if it is cheaper to go through my insurance company or to just pay to have my car fixed myself? the accident was my fault.

How much would i pay for my car insurance?

for a camry 07 se model

I ve started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company?

My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I m living at home, so no change of address, and I m using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?"

How can I start an auto insurance business in California?

How can I start an auto insurance business in California?

If I have a suspended license but someone else drives my car how can I get the insurance back on my car?

I just found out my license is suspended, so I can not drive. I have a friend that drives my car and takes me to my kids appointments, but now I have no insurance due to suspended license. I am working with attorney to get a temp license, but not sure how to get the insurance back on my car. I am single mother who needs to have the insurance on my car."

Why do people think that mandating car insurance is the same as mandating health insurance?

I could choose not to drive. Also even the democratic legal think tank advisers have said there is no legal precedent for mandating the purchase of health insurance from a private company. If they don t have single payer or even a public option it may not hold up in the supreme court.

Car insurance Ireland. For young drivers?

I m trying to get insurance for the first time on my own policy and it just seems impossible to get a cheap price. does anybody know any insurer in Ireland that does cheap quotes i just need the legal bare minimum. i don t see how i cant get under 2000 its very annoying and i just need a quote. does anyone know any way to help me? also I m an 18 year old driver with a 1.4l polo, if that helps"

Does marital status affect my auto insurance premium?

Does marital status affect my auto insurance premium?

How much does car insurance cost if i wanna pay it every 6 months?

It would just be me on the insurance (Full Coverage).I also only want to lease cars.I feel it s better to pay insurance twice a year as oppose to paying for it every month.

Does anyone know the best way to get insurance leads?

i m looking for a way to get insurance leads, I would rather own software myself as appose to paying for an individual leads, can anyone tell me the name of a some good software? thanks in advance!"

"If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????"

i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?"

Approximately how much would car insurance cost per month?

This is for my mom, I m in high school and it would be more convenient if she could drive me to school. She s 53 and she s failed more than 5 driving tests before for small mistakes (this was about 5-7 years ago). She s planning on just getting a basic car that works, nothing fancy at all. And the cheapest car insurance. I know I won t get an exact price but can I at least get an idea? thank you."

Cheap auto insurance?

Ok im 18 with a lience and my papa is thinking of giving me his ford f 150. wat is a super cheap insureance i can get? i dont need all the extra ****. and legally do i even need insurance??

homeowners insurance quotes california

homeowners insurance quotes california

What do you tell your work when you lose insurance ?

One of my best friend no longer has insurance because she can t afford it, andshe doesn t know how to tell her work. I though she needed to do something with her W2 but I don t know for sure, all I said is I think she needs to go in and ask to change it?"

Is medicaid a very low cost insurance? does medicaid pretty much stink !?

im just wondering becouse a couple of therapist have turned me down becouse of my medicaid insurance.

What is the best affordable Health Insurance in Las Vegas I m 24 and don t have any medical conditions ?

What is the best affordable Health Insurance in Las Vegas I m 24 and don t have any medical conditions ?

Can I buy health insurance for one month?

I m 19 yrs old and need health insurance to take a college course but since I m prn my job dosents offer any to me!!! So is their anything I can do? I only really need it for one month.

Car insurance on a first car.?

I ll be buying my first car on Friday. I went to the garage today and was told I should come down on Friday when it will be ready to pick it up. My question is should I be getting my insurance sorted before Friday? I haven t put any money down on it as they said I wouldn t need a deposit on the car. Is it just the licesne plate number I need?

Can anyone tell me how do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company or any website or link?

How do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company?can you tell me?

Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable ..........?

Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable for almost all concerned ? The Affordable Care Act has already caused over 4 Million People to lose their Health Insurance Plans because the Plan did not meet the mandates of the accepted Affordable care Act Insurance Plans The Affordable Care Act has already caused and is continuing to cause many thousands of employees to lose their Jobs through layoffs that Businesses/Companies are making in order to reduce the number of Business/Company Employees to below 50 in order that the Business/Company is exempted from having to purchase the More Expensive Insurance Plans that are mandated by Obamacare The Affordable Care Act has already mandated that everyone be enrolled in a Health Insurance Plan with medical benefits that many people don t want and/or don t need and these additional unwanted/unneeded medical benefits have caused many Insurance Plans to raise their Premiums for these additional benefits thereby raising the cost of premiums that Most Health Insurance that Most Subscribers will have to pay more for The Bottom Line is that thousands have lost their Jobs because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions have lost their Health Insurance Plans because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions More have had their Health Insurance Premiums raised in order to pay for the unwanted & unneeded medical benefits mandated because of the Affordable Care Act so.......................Why si the Affordable Care Act proving to be anything but Affordable ?

How much would my car insurance cost?

im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd"

Health insurance for someone on a Fiance Visa to the U.S.?

My fiance is travelling to California on a fiance visa this month. We have 3 months to get married and then we can apply for his permanent residence and social security, which I hear will take about 6 months. Therefore I don t think I can put him under my work s health insurance. In the meantime, what can he do about health insurance? Will travel insurance w/ medical coverage be okay until I can put him under my health coverage?"

Are car insurance quotes always free?

Are car insurance quotes always free?

Why is driving without insurance wrong?

if you are responsible for an accident, can t you still be made to pay up by law?"

How much will car insurance cost a teenager?

I will be getting my license in August and I was wondering how much insurance will cost me. My parents have AAA. I know there are a few factors that change the cost. I have good grades ( i know that is a factor) I will not buy a new car, but rather a safe older car (probably late 90s) How much will car insurance realistically cost me both initially and annually? I live in California and I am 16"

Is It Cheaper To Be Added As A Named Driver On My Mother s Insurance?

Hi, Ive got my test on 5th april, so i am looking to buy a cheap car soon, as expected insurance for 17 year old male is very expensive. i was wondering if anyone had a rough estimate how much my mums insurance would go up by if she added me as a named driver. she s got 21 years no claims discount and she pays about 400 a year. do i have to pay a deposit or anything? Thank you in advance for your answers :)"

Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?

Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?

Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?

Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?

Need cheaper car insurance?

right now im paying 388 with a company called dairyland insurnace. i have points on my license right now. and it is killing me. the car is a 06 dodge stratus. should i raise my deductible? switch to aig insurnace. this is just way too much. the lowest id prefer to go is 300 even. anyone know any good companies or the best way to find cheap insurnace . should i look in the yellow pages and not the net

What exactly is broad form coverage for car insurance?

my insurance ran out. i dont really need a full coverage on car insurance since my car is old. I have a lifetime medical insurance. Im a pretty confident driver.

Can i have both medi-cal and private insurance at the same time?

My father has me under his insurance plan and I also have medical in the state of California. My son s medical worker signed me up for medical when I became pregnant with my second child. Also, can I use medical as secondary insurance to pay the remaining balance of my hospital bill?"

Car Insurance 10 pts. best answer!?

What are the parties to an insurance policy. So far i ve got policyholder, and underwriter what are some other ones? thanks"

Health Insurance & Prescriptions?

When my doctor writes me a prescription and I fill it up.... does it show up on my health insurance what precriptions I m taking?

Does any insurance company offer insurance for a classic/antique car that is not parked in a garage?

I m looking to insure an old Ford pickup that I just restored. I don t plan on parking it in the garage every night and therefor wanted to find a classic car insurance policy that doesn t require a locked garage storage. The truck will only be used one or twice a week for pleasure so I don t want to get a typical insurance policy if I can get a classic policy for much less. I tried Hagerty and JC Taylor but have had no luck. Thanks

Whole life insurance policies?

I need financial opinions on whole life insurance policies and am afraid to ask an advisor for fear that he/she would try to sell me something. We purchased three whole life policies in 1991. I know now that most experts advise against them now because of the high premiums, and advise buying term and investing extra money elsewhere......but we have accumulated a lot of dividends over the years but we re at the point now that we are tired of paying the premiums and thinking about having the dividends pay for the policies until the dividends run out....and then of course we would start paying for the polciies again. Is this a mistake or should we continue to pay the premiums and keep thinking of it as an investment or more money if one of us dies prematurely? Another thought.....we will be having future college bills whereas we can try to get a student loan or borrow against these policies with an option to payback with interest or not pay back at all thus taking away from death benefit. What s your opinion on this?"

Car Insurance question: Hitting a deer is collision .. hitting a tree is other than collision ?

So, on a Personal Auto Policy (PAP) if you hit a tree it s considered a Collision. .. but if you hit a deer, it s considered Other Than Collision. ... WHY? Is it because trees don t move and deers do?"

What is the best affordable health insurance for students out there?

I am thinking about changing my provider and was wandering if anybody has any recomendations?

How long will my accident affect my insurance premiums?

I just filed a claim with my insurance company, in California. If they find me to be at fault, then how long will my insurance cost more? Is there a certain time that it won t be on my record, or count anymore?"

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homeowners insurance quotes california
