They've been with us longer than you think. 
Bedbugs, Cimex lectularius, have been around for hundreds of years.  The earliest historical citations go back to around 423 B.C.  In the United States, bedbugs came over with the first explorers and were a problem until the introduction of DDT in the late 1930's, this provided the first major advance in bedbug control.  Throughout the years, an evolving regulatory environment has limited the tools that were available to the pest control profesional for controlling bedbugs causing infestations to ebb and flow. 
Recently, bedbug infestions have enjoyed a resurgence, to the point where bedbugs are like a new pest.  It's not often the pest control professional is faced with a new pest to deal with.  The occasional introduced ant species can be challenging, but in general these are localized problems.  Bedbugs however, are a nationwide problem.   The resurgence of this pest has become a significant problem in hotels, apartments, and permanent residences alike.  Our mobile society makes it easy for this age old pest to be transported and infest our dwellings. 
At Amix Pest Control we implement a wide variety of methods to achieve a successful pest management program.For more information about bedbugs or any other pest control service give us a call at (915) 433-8837