Residential Treatment – Approximately 30 days

The Residential Treatment program is the most intensive program that is offered at The Ambrosia Treatment Centers.  When a client comes into our Residential program they are able to take advantage of 24 hour a day care to make sure they are adjusting to treatment both physically and emotionally.  The client will be fully assessed by both a medical doctor and a Psychiatrist to make sure their needs are being met.  It is during this phase of treatment that they first meet and bond with their primary therapist, and work with their therapist to craft the individualized treatment plan that will guide their treatment through their time at The Ambrosia Treatment Centers

Partial Hospital Program (PHP): Approx. 30 days

The Partial Hospital Program consists of intensive treatment to assess and address issues associated with substance abuse. Ambrosia Substance Abuse Treatment Center's clinical team creates a specific, individualized treatment plan based on each patient's evaluation and his or her alcohol / drug abuse history. A primary therapist is assigned to the patient and is responsible for overseeing the the patient's addiction treatment from top to bottom. Treatment consists of daily group therapy and individual counseling as needed. Patients attend specialized group and private meetings, coupled with holistic "life enrichment" education and daily twelve-step self-help meetings.

Groups include:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Life Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Experiential Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Nutritional Education

(Intensive Outpatient): Approx. 60-90 Days

IOP is designed to ease the patient slowly back into life and society, while maintaining a strong secure connection to the addiction treatment center. While residing in Ambrosia Addiction Treatment Center's comfortable apartment setting, the patient is monitored 24/7, and required to attend four hours of process groups daily. Individual counseling is made available as needed by his or her primary therapist, however, attendance at daily twelve-step meetings is mandatory. Ambrosia also accepts clients to level two treatment from other primary treatment centers.

Family Program

Families play a major role in a patient's success. Family members are invited to participate in specific groups to learn and support the recovering family member. This usually takes place in the third week of the patients stay at Ambrosia and may continue indefinitely.