
Horse and arena owners have many choices when it comes to bedding for their horses’ stalls. Wood chip bedding can provide many positive results for horses.

¨     High Absorbency this allows for less bacterial growth and keeps ammonia lower

¨     Processed wood provides clean and dust-free chips without toxics or causing respiratory issues

¨     Reduces the amount of stall maintenance, but remember to clean stall daily for the health of the horse(s).

¨     Provides traction in the stall for the horse(s)

¨     Eliminates spores and dust often found in other forms of stall and arena bedding

¨     Keeps the number of flies down

¨     Lowers hydro carbons diminishing hives and coughing

¨     More economical because you use less

Providing quality bedding for your horse(s) can eliminate many health and safety issues for your horse(s).  It is important that a horses’ stall be cleaned of soiled bedding at least once a day.  This allows for a good place for the horse to bed, safety, and keeps bacteria growth down.

To clean your horse’s stall do the following:

¨     Make sure you have your equipment – shovel, wheelbarrow, and pitch fork

¨     Clear solid and wet waste from stall with shovel

¨     Move the remaining clean bedding to the side of the stall

¨     Sweep the floor clear with the pitch fork

¨     Clear the bedding of the walls of the stall

¨     Keep a high bank around the sides of the stall for warmth

¨     Empty the wheelbarrow contents in the waste pile

¨     Clean wheelbarrow thoroughly

¨     Add clean bedding to wheelbarrow and cover floor until you cannot feel through the bedding to the floor

¨     Clean all water buckets and provide clean fresh water

¨     Provide fresh hay in rack

For further information regarding quality stall bedding you can contact AMC Consolidated for further details.