Top Government Agencies in Phoenix, AZ 85015

She is one the stylist and I was intorduces to her by my mother-in-law. She is always cheerful and very willing to help you find the style you like\t Not only is she a hair stylist, you can also co...Read More…
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Our firm, Slepian Smith, PLLC, was founded in 1978 by attorney Steven D. Slepian, a former administrative law judge with the Social Security Administration. For more than 30 years, we have been exc...Read More…
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Az Rapid Motor Vehicle Services is located at 536 E Dunlap Ave, Phoenix, AZ. This business specializes in Government and Business Services.Read More…
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Arizona State Government is located at 1700 W Washington St Rm B32, Phoenix, AZ. This location is in the Governmental Mall neighborhood. This business specializes in Elementary Schools.Read More…
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NextCare Urgent Care


By Graham

The clinic was very busy for a Sunday evening, but all of the staff were very professional, composed, patient and friendly. Good job! Treatment was fast and efficient! more

NextCare Urgent Care


By Helen

Next Care has saved me twice now! Both times I was unable to get in to see my PC doctor. The first time, Next Care accurately diagnosed a blood clot in my leg and sent me to the ER which saved my life. The second time I needed them they also accurately diagnosed a potentially deadly condition, cellulitis. They gave me a shot in the hip to get my body started fighting and they called in my prescription. I have had nothing but positive experiences with Next Care and their staff. I recommend them wholeheartedly. Their staff are knowledgeable and competent! Thank you Next Care for being there for me! more

US Customs Svc


By Jim Poulin

This is no longer the U.S. Customs office it is now located at the Phoenix Airport and is listed under U.S. Customs and Border Protection phone number is 602-914-1400 entry control, & Cargo, 602-392-4440 is for passenger Processing more

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Arizona and Israel

In my humble opinion, it is time for Arizona, recognized as one of the contiguous United States of America, to make a bold and decisive stand regarding the nation state of Israel.  In recent years, it has become unclear whether our nation is acting in the best interest of Israel. In May of 2011, President Obama suggested that Israel should return to its pre-1967 borders.  The “Arab Spring” seems to be an excuse for Israel’s enemies to surround her and “drive her into the sea.”  Tensions between Egypt and Israel seem to be escalating and anotherArab-Israeli war feels like it is on the horizon.  All the while, our President seems to lack the conviction of previous Presidents – to defend Israel and her interests. While the election of President Obama may have plucked the weed of racism from the American landscape – it seems that the root of racism remains and seeks to sprout as antisemitism.  This is unacceptably ironic. The irony to which I refer is based in the fact that America has played a major role in helping to establish and protect Israel.  This is an American story that can be traced back to the mid 1800’s. In fact,“A Christian belief in the return of the Jews to the Holy Land has roots in the United States, which pre-dates both the establishment of the Zionist movement and the establishment of Israel. Lobbying by groups, to influence the U.S. government in ways similar to Zionist ideology, dates back to at least the 19th century. In 1844, Christian restorationist George Bush, a professor of Hebrew at New York University and ancestor of the Presidents Bush, published a book entitledThe Valley of Vision; or, The Dry Bones of Israel Revived. In it he denounced “the thralldom and oppression which has so long ground them (the Jews) to the dust,” and called for “elevating” the Jews “to a rank of honorable repute among the nations of the earth” by restoring the Jews to the land of Israel…………..This, according to Bush, would benefit not only the Jews, but all of mankind, forming a “link of communication” between humanity and God. “It will blaze in notoriety…”. “It will flash a splendid demonstration upon all kindreds and tongues of the truth.” The book sold about a million copies in the antebellum period of America.” (Wikipedia)   American support for the establishment and subsequent protection of the nation of Israel continued through both World Wars and up to our generation.  Recently, political support in Washington D.C. for Israel has begun to wane – even while the American public’s support for Israel is at an all time high.  This indicates a serious disconnect between the majority will of the American people and the actions of our current Administration. I believe that this potentially tragic disconnect requires a response by each State in the Union, starting with Arizona.  To that end, I am calling on the elected officials of the State of Arizona to make their voices heard, by legal proclamation. Remember, that on June 19, 2008, the State of Arizona – by unanimous decree – passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1045 – commemorating the 60 anniversary of the Proclamation of the State of Israel.  Just three years ago, our state recognized, appreciated and celebrated the existence of the nation State of Israel. Today, unfortunately, the stakes seem higher.  Israel has never been more vulnerable and the steadfast support of the United States has never been more uncertain.  Therefore, the people of Arizona, through our duly elected officials, respectfully request the following action: For a new Arizona Senate Concurrent Resolution to be drafted and enacted declaring our State’s steadfast and unwavering support and friendship with the people of Israel. For the Governor to establish a state-wide day of prayer dedicated to “the peace of Jerusalem.” To establish economic incentives for Israeli owned-companies to relocate to Arizona. To develop an economic development international free enterprise zone between the State of Arizona and the State of Israel – promoting collaborative business opportunities. To seek internationally recognized “Sister-State” status between Arizona and Israel. To direct and fund our state universities to develop joint research projects with universities in Israel. To offer avoluntarycontribution box on auto registration and state tax forms that would allow individuals to donate to causes designed to end poverty in Israel. To task the Department of Public Safety to form a special anti-Semitic unit that specifically investigates any claims of harassment or mistreatment of Israelis in Arizona – forming a close security alliance with all area Jewish synagogues and temples. As the State of Arizona embraces and enacts some variation of these Pro-Israeli action items – then we Arizonans can know – even though we do not have the sway of the federal government in international affairs – that we are doing what we can to stand with a long-time friend of America and the apple of God’s eye. If you are looking to stand with other Christians dedicated to the peace and domestic tranquility of Israel, thenjoin the Oak Initiative of Arizona – the Future is now! more

By The Oak Initiative of Arizona September 13, 2011

Now What?!

Have you ever reached that emotional point where you feel overwhelmed and like if one more thing happens you are going to just flip-out.  Just at that point some innocent walks in to your space with a problem and without so much as a second thought you bark, “Now What?!” – with the ferociousness of a roaring lion.  It is like the entire world has reached this point of“Now What?!” It seems that every time we turn around something else is going haywire?  Stocks are down – stocks are up – oops3 minutes passed and another 300 points evaporated.  The news is no help – crazy flash mobs – riots – uprisings – politically bizarre theater – basically “deep darkness.”  What is a Christian to do? First we must understand that not all Christians have the same thoughts when they utter those fateful words, “Now What?!”  According to Francis Frangipane: There are three basic categories of Christians. Group 1– The largest group consists of people who, though they try to avoid the darkness in the world, have no hope that the world can be redeemed. Assuming Christ’s return is imminent, they retreat into what seems a shelter of apathy concerning the non-Christian world around them…..Rarely do they extend themselves beyond the needs of their immediate family and closest friends. They love the Lord, but they don’t know how or what to do to change society or even to positively impact their neighborhoods. Group 2– Those Christians who would rather rail at the darkness than adjust to it. Though much smaller in number than the first, they are by no means apathetic; in fact, they appear exactly opposite. They rage at the depravity of the ungodly and protest the audacity of the wicked. They pound the pulpit and the pavement; they are both vocal and visible. Yet their ability to transform their culture is, for the most part, neutralized by their negativity and rage. They are dismissed as judgmental extremists. Most sinners simply cannot endure the harshness of their approach……… Group 3– Though smallest in number, its members are the most effective. Throughout history, these have been the world changers. These are the individuals who have understood the priority of God. They know that the Father’s highest passion is to behold His Son revealed in a believer’s soul. As much as they are moved with compassion for the lost, their primary quest is not to touch their neighbors’ hearts, but to touch the heart of God. They know if they awaken the Father’s pleasure, the power of His Spirit will go before them. God Himself will change the hearts of those around them. If we accept Francis Frangipane’s basic premise, then it forces us to the following conclusions: Thegroup oneChristian is yelling “now what?!” because it is getting harder to hang-on – harder to keep their little bunker working well. Thegroup twoChristian is yelling “now what?!” because of a deep frustration at the hardheartedness of his fellow man – an anger at an inability to stop the suffering. Thegroup threeChristian is not yelling, but rather asking “now what?” because of a sense that every event is a rare gift to move another step closer to the Lord.  To walk with God – even as deep darkness is upon the earth – with the Glory of God upon them.  “Now What?” represents an opportunity to embrace deeper personal transformation, and as such have a greater impact on the world around them.  However, most believers – never mind non-believers – dismiss such thinking as unrealistic and idealistic. So ultimately, when trouble happens and things shake and you are left thinking “Now What?!” – answer that question with – “How can I use this to transform me and move me closer to being more Christ-like -  for it is the only way I will be able to truly help the world around me.” Francis Frangipane says it well.  He pens,“Indeed, it was this hunger for Christ likeness that was the secret of Paul’s success. His expressed vision was simply,“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death”(Phil. 3:10).  Paul’s passion was taken up with this one heavenly goal of being conformed to the life and power of Jesus Christ. The apostle’s quest was not only to win the world but to know Jesus Christ. The works Paul accomplished – founding churches, writing almost half the New Testament, winning the lost, demonstrating miraculous spiritual gifts, and remaining faithful throughout times of terrible suffering – were all by-products of his passion to know Christ……….This, my friends, is the glorious mystery of our existence: the Almighty has purposed from eternity to create a race of men and women who, though tested in a corrupt and violent world, bear the image and likeness of Christ (Gen. 1:27). Christ calls this heavenly-natured people “the church,” His “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17).”   Those of us who engage the pressing issues of our times as Christians must constantly keep in focus these profound spiritual truths.  We must soften our hearts to the direction of the Holy Spirit – so that we transform the world – not just with great ideas or force of political numbers – but rather, as a result of creativity and leadership that are a byproduct of people and teams who have given themselves to being Christ-like.  We must always remember that all creation will be summed up in Christ Jesus.  The systems of our world will either cease to be or else will be summed up in Christ. As Francis Frangipane teaches,“Therefore, let us ponder and then pursue what it means to be Christ-like. Let us give ourselves to the divine obsession of God: to see creation, starting with ourselves, summed up in Christ. For it is here, in the transformation of our lives, that we discover and fulfill the wondrous obsession of God:the unveiling of His Son in the earth.It is here, at the threshold of Christ in us, that we discover the power one life surrendered to Christ has upon the heart of God.” As we come together to save America during a time of increasingly terrible crisis, we must realize that those who will lead and will ultimately win the day are those from group three – focused on God – being transformed and thus transforming the world around them. If you are looking to make a difference, but have never been able to find an organization that engages the public policy debate from a“group three” perspective, then consider this your lucky day. Join the Oak Initiative of Arizona.  The Future is now. more

By The Oak Initiative of Arizona August 19, 2011

American Exceptionalism or “Global Normal” – It is our choice!

Woodrow Wilson said,“America was established not to create wealth but to realize a vision, to realize an ideal – to discover and maintain liberty among men.” America is a place that has invoked the imagination of people around the world.  America is a place where people are free to create whatever they may – a place where one is left to their own individual devices to make their way.  America is a nation of immigrants all seeking a better life, but who all share an understanding of the need to work hard, support each other and protect the nation that makes all of this possible. America has clearly enjoyed a quick and noteworthy ascent in the worldwide affairs of men.  The advent of severalworld wars – both hot and cold – and the asymmetrical terror war we now engage – have all served to hasten our role in global leadership.  But I wonder – have we lost our sense of vision as a nation? Ask yourself, what is the vision of America?  What is it that we want to become?  Are we the land of opportunity?  Are we the land of the free and the home of the brave?  Do we believe that all men are created equal?  Do we believe that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among these being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I would suggest that there is a subtle, yet insidious; slide away from America’s founding vision toward a vision of a new “global normal”.  This new global normal hates conservative Christians and Jews, this new global normal hates upwardly mobile middle and lower classes, and this new global normal hates traditional family and national pride.  In fact this new global normal is nothing but the old tyranny of elites maintaining control and power for themselves. When America broke away from control of the British Empire, it dawned a new age for mankind – one dedicated to God and individual freedoms.  This was an age where men could become whatever they and their creator dreamed possible – and with this was born the allure of America.  It was not money, it was not power but it was and is by the Spirit of the Lord, working in unison with the heart of free people, that America became exceptional and enduringly great. If America ceases to be exceptional or if America is not enduringly great, it will be because her people have lost touch with this simple truth and in doing so have allowed leaders to represent them who do not support with their words and deeds the preservation of these uniquely American ideals. Now America stands at yet another great crossroads, deciding whether this nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can be enduringly great.  We are enjoined by the forces of Socialism and Marxism from within and a Caliphate from all around while most worry first and foremost about the economy.  Unless we wake up to a greater spiritual truth – our economy will be used again and again to manipulate our form of government – until this nation is subdued and folded into the “global normal”. If we as Americans choose to return to our spiritual foundations, if we choose to embrace the source of our exceptionalism and enduring greatness, then we will begin to focus on a vision worthy of our greatness.  The Oak Initiative is answering the call to help America awaken to her spiritual destiny.  The Oak Initiative does this by facing the current leadership crisis and educating people to the invisible dangers that threaten our sovereignty and Constitution. However, beholding the darkness is not enough.  The Oak Initiative also has as part of its vision to,“Bea part of an historical shift in a nation that is called to a destiny by God to disciple other nations”.In this simple phrase is a call to mature Christians capable of not just beholding darkness, but then also walking in the Glory of God – so that the destiny of America is fulfilled.  America’s enduring greatness may just be linked to her willingness to embrace the vision of teaching other nations.  This means that we boldly share the truth and we offer Godly solutions to the most difficult problems facing the planet.  But most importantly, we teach other nations how to become enduringly great and exceptional themselves.  We do this from a virtuous position of strength, and grace empowered by the Glory of God. It is often quoted that the square root of 1% of the population is all you need to completely change a culture.  We have seen fringe groups with anti-American ideas use this principle to drive unrighteous change into our nation – while obliterating its Christian foundations.  To affect positive change in Arizona – with a population of 6,500,000 people – using this principle – only requires 255 dedicated Christians.  Certainly the State of Arizona has 255 dedicated people willing to step up and help our state and nation? To this end, the Oak Initiative of Arizona seeks to establish chapters throughout the State.  These chapters will include about 25 members each, 12 of who are the core of prayer and Godly solution generation.  Our goal is simple – we will develop 12 chapters of 25 each – or 300 people – dedicated to prayer and solutions. From within each group of 25 we will further develop 12 people – or 144 people total – that will become the driving force of positive change in Arizona and subsequently the nation.  We will then sign as many members as possible – those who are taught, connected and awakened without necessarily being engaged in a chapter format. If you want to join the dedicated core of people working to Awaken Arizona – if you want to be a truth bearer shining light into the darkness – if you want to seek Godly solutions for a sick and dying nation by being the salt of the world, thenRSVP to one of our informational meetingsand find out what you can do and where you fit to help make a difference. If you consider yourself a dedicated person with a mature Christian worldview who has been looking for a place to engage the fight, then the Oak Initiative of Arizona is the place for you. Join the Oak Initiative of Arizona.  The Future is now. more

By The Oak Initiative of Arizona July 07, 2011

Where do you need Government Agencies ?