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What is Brazilian Waxing?

Ladies, you’ve heard the women gossiping about the famous Brazilian Wax. Men, you’ve hear the term and your mind is wondering. All this talk and no facts can leave a person confused.  So what exactly is a Brazilian Wax?  Who can get it done?  Does it hurt and why would someone want to get it done? It's important to learn exactly what the term entails before you make any assumptions or decisions.

Brazilian waxing is the process of removing all of the hair in the pubic region of a man or a woman.  In order to do this, hot wax is placed onto the hair follicles.  A small strip of cloth-like tape is placed over the wax.  Once the wax dries or hardens (usually only a few seconds), the tape is quickly removed.  The hair follicles will stick to the tape and be pulled from the skin.  This sounds like a painful process; however, the pain will subside within one to five days.  People who are overly sensitive may want to avoid this procedure.

So why would anyone go through this pain?  Beauty makes women and men torture themselves in bizarre ways.  Many people feel that this procedure helps to eliminate any embarrassing hairs when wearing a bikini, Speedo or other swimsuit.  People in the adult film industry say that a Brazilian wax makes a person look younger and more attractive. 

It is possible to get an infection or have a bad reaction to this procedure.  Some people have passed out from the intense pain.  Others have experiences follicle infections like pimples and boils.  In general, though, this procedure is fairly common and has a variety of styles that may suit your needs, including a runway strip, which removes all hair except a small section in the front.  A traditional Brazilian Wax; however, removes all of the hair from the bikini line to the buttocks.