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Outdoor Games for the School Playground

List of Playground Games

Playground games for children are great for engaging them in a healthy physical activity that is challenging yet safe.  Consider whether games should require additional equipment (like balls) and whether the games are age appropriate for the children who will be playing them.

  • British Bulldog – The kids in the middle try to tag the kids running across the field, who aren’t “safe” until they reach the other side.

  • Freeze Tag – One child is “it” and must run around and try to “tag” (touch) the other children.  Once a child is tagged, he must remain frozen in place until another one of the participants (who isn’t “it”) tags him and unfreezes him back into play.

  • Red Rover – This physical game squares off two sides against each other.  This game works best if each side has at least four players.  Each side links their hands together to form a wall, and a person from the opposing side will be called out to try to break through it.  If she cannot break through it, she is absorbed by that group and must link hands with the others to form part of its chain.

  • Dodgeball – Two opposing sides toss balls at each other.  If a player is hit by a ball, he is out of the game.  If a player catches a ball that was thrown by an opposing player, then that opposing player has to sit out.

  • Kickball – This game is similar to baseball, but instead of employing a bat and ball, a soccer ball is rolled toward a player at home plate.  The player kicks the ball and then runs around the bases.