Blogs from Retirement Apartments in Milwaukee, WI

Grocery Shopping on a Budget

-Grocery Shopping on a Budget- A Little Homework with a pinch of frequent shopper discounts Check out the newspaper and local mailings for deals in different grocery stores. You can shave off about 10% from your bottom line a year just by reading and clipping the local newspaper ads.   Eat First to Put a Stop to Impulse Buying Impulse shopping decreases dramatically when you are not starving and everything looks like a great item to take home.   Comparison Shopping- TRUE VALUES EXPOSED!! To determine the true value of a product read the unit price, not just the package price. The unit price information is usually on a sticker located on the shelf that holds the item. The package price only tells you the cost of the entire item. The unit price shows the cost per pound, ounce, etc. Taking a moment to compare this information in similar products will help you get the best value for your dollar. Also, be certain to check "expiration" and "use by" dates to insure you are buying the freshest products. Lastly&Most; Importantly Watch the Scanner It may mean you need to put down the magazine, because this is no place to get lax. Keeping your eyes peeled to the scanner has dual advantages. First, it will keep the cashier more alert. Secondly, it will allow you to stop the checkout process if an item is showing the incorrect price. Keeping the store circular nearby is also helpful in disputing an incorrect price. You can also ask the cashier to stop ringing while you accompany the employee to the aisle to check the price of an item.   Information pulled from – Cut Your Grocery Bill more

By Celestial Care LLC September 16, 2010

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