Top Law Enforcement Agencies in Milwaukee, WI 53202

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US Probation & Parole Office


By bernie beyer at Citysearch

While serving eighteen months incarceration in a federal medical center in Lexington, I heard horrible stories from offenders who were revoked while on parole. I'd be thinking to myself, they're probably not telling all there is to know about it, just what did they really do that caused them to get revoked?. Without going into all the facts, which would fill many pages here, I'm convinced there's undoubtedly a significant number of corrupt and psychopathic agents in both the state and federal systems. And, because many agents are intelligent and sophisticated, they know how far they can push it, how much they can abuse and make deliberate indiscretions before it becomes too obvious. Some are very sick individuals, indeed! \t\nFurther, having acheived a Certificate of Paralegal from the Colorado University and having briefed hundreds of decisions from the courts while working as a prison law librarian I can tell you that most all federal and state judges are cleverely bias and corrupt. This becomes especially obvious in pro se litigation matters, where inmates challeng administrative decisions, misconduct and ilegal behavior by prison staff and parole agents, Judges cover their horrible indiscretions that destroy human values (as they themselfs may do) like a father may do for their son's misbehavior. TOften the DA/judge intentionally make no mention of the nost important facts and the real issues are twisted or changed, resulting in the real issue never getting reahed. All experienced attornies and paralegals can tell you this but avoid doing so to keep good repoir with DA's and judges. Basically, it's seen as one big family. In most cases, unknown to the defendant his attorney is actually a secret enemy spy working in favor of the DA and court -- not the defendant. \t\nIf you'd like to hear a really unbelievable abuse story that I'm currently working on contact me in October. \t\nAlso, If you really want to see clear and convincing evidence of governmental corruption, which, I guarantee will change your view on government forever, watch "The Movie, Zeigeist", parts 2 & 3; and, especially watch, "Zeigeist: Moving Forward." Both are available on Youtub, free. If you've difficulty downloading or streaming, google it. The shi_ has got to stop! \t\n more

US Probation & Parole Office


By carriebass62 at Citysearch

Yes I'm writing about my brother which spent over 10 years in Prison and then out on parole It is a truly sad thing when these offenders get out of prison we as communities would hope that between prison programs and other programs these offenders are having to complete that they would come back out in our community better people.Some will some won't But with the way probation and parole is run I'm afraid this will never happen. I truly believe that it's the probation officers that make these offenders what they become once they get out.They make them mean and hateful people, even the ones that never were. In my experience I've seen and heard first hand what these probation officers do to these offenders once they are released. They threaten them embarrass them reticule them punish them over and over even though they have did nothing wrong to deserve it since their release. And for the people or families that are helping them it's just as bad for them, I been threatened a couple of times by his probation officer.they tell my husband and I what we can and can't do,who we can have over and who we can't.They threaten him on a daily basis that they will put him back in prison.Since he came to stay with us he has not been able to leave this house not even to help with yard work around hear she said don't even poke your head out the door.He has been in the house for 7 days without even stepping foot out of here, we are not even able to take him looking for a job, he is unable to go to the store with us. Before he came to live with us he was able to run all over Kenosha for 12 hours a day unmonitored and without supervision now what sense does that make. Sure you can file a grievance but it goes nowhere and you just keep going up the ladder and still nothing happens.Why do they not have anyone to answer to for their misconduct and why are they not being punished for their mistakes. Concerned Citizen I also wanted to say sorry for all you offenders out there having to go through the same thing my brother is hang in there someone has to at some point start listening to what we are saying ! more

Milwaukee County Childrens Court Center


By Robert (Bob) Nelson

Your handling of the Tuckwell vs Nelson case is so off base. You totally have your collective heads up your collective butts. Anyone that looks at a time line of the events of the tuckwell's accusations would see that everything has to do with her being grounded for skipping school and visiting her father who is a convicted felon. You are something else. Get your head out and check the whole story. This girl does need help. But you are way off. I think you do well for children but this time you need to check ALL the facts. Wake up!!! more

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